Jean and Danny 3

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I sighed gutturally as I kicked my shoes off my feet and slammed onto my old double bed, feeling thoroughly exhausted. Work had been a lot busier than usual, and I'd used up a lot of my energy doing my homework, because I'd forgotten how much there was to do. My aching skull didn't exactly help, either. I'd gotten a major migraine out of the blue, and when I went to work, I realized I'd left my aspirin in my school bag.

So I had to do my best to smile and greet customers, while my feet were aching, and my head felt like it was going to explode. Of course, I had done all of that, and I'd done it well, just like I said I would. I slid comfortably into my blankets, and then realized I was still wearing my jacket, and I hadn't brushed my teeth.

Another sigh.

"Screw it," I decided, whispering softly, as I closed my eyes, and hoped that sleep would come quickly and relieve me of all the exhaustion and pain.

Daniel's cheeky smirk entered my mind again, and suddenly my cheeks flushed as I remembered his hand groping me.

Physical contact was something I'd been deprived of for most of my life, and I wasn't exactly sure how to get it, or give it. So, when people did touch me... Especially in places like that... It was kind of exhilarating.

I sighed, and shook my head, a smile gracing my lips, even though exhaustion ate away at me.

Within two minutes, I was out like a light, but the smile didn't fade.


Jean and DannyWhere stories live. Discover now