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Everyone is looking for something. Some are looking for money. Some are looking for love. Most are looking for happiness.

"What if happiness is so far out of reach-" I stop my outer monologue and crumpled up the sheet of paper. I toss it in the direction of the trash can and it falls two inches in front of it, littering the floor like the 12 other dead beginnings.

People always told me to write my feelings, write to escape everything, but I'm not even good at it. No one wants to read the same cliche book over and over. That's exactly what I am: a lame, cliche 15 year old.

I chew on my pen cap, looking around my room. Something give me some kind of spark of creativity! I'm begging you, please! I hear a car door slam and my attention shifts to the window adjacent my desk. It's Noah. The boy-next-door hunk that is featured in every romcom. I place my chin in my palms and watch as he unloads groceries from his car. It's so sweet of him to go get things for his mom at the store.

At the store... at the store...! Yes! A tall, dark, and handsome stranger walks into a store!
He brings his items to my register and smiles at me. Color rushes to my cheeks as his eyes meet with min-

"GAH!" Another wad for file 17 or whatever it's called. Why can't I be interesting? Why can't something stupendous and life changing happen to me? I want something worth writing about!

Escaping HellWhere stories live. Discover now