Cнα⅊тɛʀ 16 (edited)

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Nora's P.O.V

The cake had managed to lull me into a serene sleep, so heavy that it took the loud ringing of an annoying phone to wake me up. I groaned, reaching out from somewhere under the covers to grapple for the device that had skidded further away on the nightstand. Just as I reached for it, the ringing stopped, and I read that there had been two missed calls from Elian. 'Oh great, I'm such an idiot'. Cursing under my breath I heaved myself up to rest against the headboard as I clicked on the message he'd sent immediately after the call.

Hello Nora, I tried calling you, but I think you may have been busy. I'd like to meet you at Blue Box Café, tomorrow at 20:30.

The name of that café was an unknown mystery, but I googled it and found out that it was a fancy, expensive café. It was strange to think that Elian could have just messaged me back or even called me once again, but I guess the conversation wasn't something to discuss over the phone. It could be a sensitive discussion which meant I'd get some real answers. I replied to his message:

Okay, thank you for even replying and setting this meeting up. I'll be there on time.

Elian didn't reply after that. The discussion however, lingered in my mind and I couldn't help comparing the two brothers against each other. Elian and Elijah were complete opposites. It was as if God had slipped too much of one particular ingredient in their bodies when he'd decided to create them.

One brother was as cold as the freezing winters that occurred under the Aurora Borealis. Like the everlasting snow that encased the forest trees, Elijah was forever the man that controlled his natural environment. He was the dominant man with an aura that could scare off the mightiest predators and even men that were known for being the equivalence to Heracles always scurried with their tails between their legs whenever they came in contact with him. Everyone called him the devil, a mere contradiction to the icy demeanour he'd always showed. Elijah should have been spitting hot flames of fire, not sharp spikes of ice.

Then there was the sweet as candy Elian. He was the epitome of summer, bright and cheery with life. With a face that resembled innocence and a voice that made you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. It was as if everywhere he walked people smiled and admired his personality. Just the same as flowers in a garden, he attracted goodhearted feelings. Everyone loved Elian, he reminded them of summer fields on mountains with wispy air and glistening dew drops. He was the angel in people's lives and a perfect semblance to a boss people adored.

'Did they even get along in life?' I wondered as I peered around my room and noticed how it had considerably darkened. The night sky pitched its light into the crevices of my room and the red blaring numbers on my clock indicated it was ten in the evening. It was silent in the house; a slight scuffle being heard from somewhere downstairs.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now