Chapter 1: Astrid

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Hi everyone! This story is about my oc,  Astrid West, Kid Flash & Artemis' child. It takes place after season three and possible future seasons. Wally somehow came back from the Speedforce in my story. I'm not going to focus too much on the events in seasonthree and won't make up information for season four. Hope you like it! Comment down below if you want more chapters. 


Astrid jolted awake, panting for breath. Her hands gripped the bed sheets, while her watery eyes rapidly gazed around her room. Seeing no intruders in her room, she felt her body relax.

She laid back on the bad. She could feel hot tears stains trail down her face. "God, when are these dreams going to end."

Astrid wondered if this was a punishment from some god. For so long, nightmarish dreams plagued her with anguish and inner hatred. Her biggest regret replaying at her most vulnerable state. It wasn't enough to physically face the consequences, but even her own mind is against her.

A soft knock on the door brought Astrid back to reality.

"Astrid?" She heard her father call out. "You awake?"

Astrid roughly wiped her tears away. "Yeah, you can come in."

She heard the door creak and the light tapping noise her dad's sneakers make.

"Hey kiddo, you ready for breakfast?"

"Yeah," Astrid reached over her nightstand and grabbed her prosthetic leg. "I just need a minute."

She pulled her covers off and started attaching her metal limb. It was half as tall as a normal leg, and had a bump resembling a knee. Sunlight reflected against the silver metal.

"Here, I'll help," Wally walked over and connected the clasps of the metal link on her skin to the limb. "So, how did you sleep?"

Fine." She answered. Her attention was on the artificial leg rather than her dad's question. Soon, it would be nine years since the tragedy. The moments that lead to so many people's sense of true happiness was draining, especially hers. Astrid wished the childish innocence that was taken away too son would come back. Even if it was for a moment.


"Huh," Astrid shook her head. "Sorry I'm still a bit tired."

"It's okay." Her dad helped her get out of bed. "If you're too tired, you can skip school. It is the last day after all."

"Nah I'm fine. Plus, I promised Gwen we'd celebrate our senior year together.

Wally grinned. "I get that. Your mom and I did the same thing when we graduated. It was truly magical."

"Oh god, please don't tell me what you guys did."

"Jeez, not like that, Get your mind out of the gutter."


"Anyway, your mom is almost done with breakfast, so come on over before your brother gets there first."

Astrid chuckled. "Okay, I just need to get dress."

"Sure," Her dad walked out. "Just don't get mad at me if your bacon gets stolen."

"Whatever." Astrid searched through her drawers and spread her outfit on the bed. It was her custom made hero uniform. Four years ago, she decided to take her mother's mantel as Artemis. The decision to become a hero was at first fresh and exciting. She would protect innocents and fight to make a better world like she always wanted. Those feelings still remained, but the pressure grew heavier on her shoulders. You succeed once, people start to believe in you. The next successes lead them to count on you. One massive failure would be detrimental. The world would realize you're not immortal and expect more. Pressure will start to build and break your spirit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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