It Was An Accident

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  Pre Hydra

-the Bus, Coulson's office-

"It was an accident. I bloody swear, I-I was trying to or-or-or, hurt h-"

    "I don't want to hear it," Coulson fumed in a quiet rage. "Thanks to your ignorance and recklessness, we may be down an agent. Fitz, you are off duty until we are certain she is alright." He stared down Fit coldly, radiating anger that made everyone in the room shrink away from him.

Fitz swallowed. "Y-yes sir."

"You are dismissed." Coulson muttered, then motioned to May and started talking with her quietly. Fitz walked out of the room, then started running once he was out of Skye and especially Trip's sight. A tear streamed down his face as he ran into the lab, sliding the door shut angrily. Now another tear fell. He slammed his fist down onto the table.

You idiot. You blithering monkey. Simmons could be dead because of you. All because you got angry.

2 hours before, the same day

"All I'm saying, Fitz, is that it could be more than just a weapon," Jemma  said, as she helped Fitz lug the 0-8-4 into the lab. They placed it onto the table with a thump, and pulled on their protective gloves as Jemma started opening the case.

"Simmons, when is an 0-8-4 ever a medical machine, or somethin' to help the environment? It's always sometype of sweet blaster from another planet."

Jemma rolled her eyes, and pulled the 0-8-4 out of the case carefully. Her eyes widened as she inspected it cautiously.

It was a large steel machine, with three levers. Cogs seemed to click and turn on the inside, and on the top a strange green-yellow light glowed from the inside.

    "I've got to hand it to you, Fitz...It's a weapon, definitely." Fitz grinned, his eyes lit up.

"I was right. It's a beauty, it is. How's it powered?"

"I've no idea," Jemma said, turning it over in her hands and touching it. "I don't think its power source is even from our world." Her eyes were bright with excitement.

"Oh Leo, this is so great, we really are lucky.."

Fitz grinned even wider. He loved it when Simmons got excited about things. She even called him Leo, which she never did.

She looked up at him, saying "Do you think it still works? That faint glow could mean its still got some juice. Once we've made sure everything's in its correct place and we've landed, we could take some items and shoot them. You wouldn't care if we took your mattress and-"

Fitz interrupted her. "Simmons, its great that you don't care my bed, but can't w-"

He was interrupted by a knock on the door. They stopped messing with the weapon, turning to see Agent Trip walking in.

    "Trip!" Jemma said, smiling. "What are you doing down here?" Fitz fell silent, falling also into his one sulking mood whenever Trip was around.

"Ey, Fitzsimmons... May wants to know when we should land if you need to do some tests on that machine we got." Trip grinned at Jemma, as she smiled.

"Oh, whenever! It's ready whenever. We aren't actually sure what it does yet, but I thought we can just grab some of Fitz's old stuff, test the gun out on all of it.." Fitz glanced at Jemma with an incredulous look but said nothing.

Trip nodded. "Alright, girl. Call me when you ready." He grinned again and walked out.

     Jemma turned back to Fitz, smiling widely, but it faltered when she saw the look on his face. He said nothing, and kept turning the machine over and over in his hands.

"So. Should a few tests on it before we actually test it out?" Jemma said, trying to break the sudden ice that had formed.

"Oh, yeah." Fitz muttered. "Sure, take all of my stuff, take my bloody monkey too."

    "Fitz, you don't have a monkey. Are you alright? You sound a bit miffed."

"Really? Are you asking me that? I didn't think you cared about me anymore, your eyes are only for Agent Trip!"

     "Fitz!" Jemma said, raising her voice. "You're overreacting! Stop it!"

"Really? Overreacting? I've always been your partner in crime, and now you're with some bloody American, I just can't...I can't.." He threw the machine from his hands in frustration, pushing it away from him. Just like that, the small lever on the left was pushed forward. In a millisecond the light glowed brighter, then a pulse of green yellow light shot from the barrel, going straight to Jemma. It hit her square in the chest as she turned around.

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