I'm Sky
Single and broken
Life's a kick to the stomach... We all know that. But for every cut,suicide attempt... That just cause more cuts and more suicide attempts! I know how you all feel... Especially Blake... So you know what? Leave us all alone! We're just human beings! And just don't make Blake feel worse! Make him happy! And smiley! Tell him you'll give him a hug an when you do... Say you smell like cupcakes! It should be funny to see what he does!
"The Moon, The Stars... Are as beautiful as you!<3" -Raine (me)
Love you guys!!!!💕❄️💖❤️ Stay strong #believe
I'm single and really hurt... I really liked him... But you know... Shit happens.... Just done.
Name change!
I changed my name to Skyleigh!