Cнα⅊тɛʀ 17 (edited)

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Nora's P.O.V

Life rolled around me on a cassette tape, when I'd go to sleep it would rewind and when I woke up, it would press play. Like every other day, my routine never changed. I woke up because of my alarm clock ringing at an ungodly hour, I'd want to sleep in for at least a few extra minutes, I'd eventually get out of bed to brush my teeth and take a long bath, and then I'd get changed into some office clothing.

The only difference throughout this entire step-by-step was that today my office clothing consisted of black office pants, red heels and a red blouse paired to a black blazer. Unfortunately, it seemed that today I'd start with a struggle with my own hair. For certain women, such as myself, hair was their worst nightmare, and no amount of luck could provide me with a good hairdo when I desperately needed one. After a long fight and a ton of cursing I somehow managed to tame it long enough to shove the hair into a bun with some stray wisps falling lazily to the side of my face.

My motto for today was going to be: If Elijah wanted to be the devil, I'd start being one too because after all it takes two to tango. It would provide me with enough motivation to control my patience with someone who liked to push all my wrong buttons.

Once I'd finished getting ready, I heard the cheery tone of mom calling me to come downstairs and have some breakfast but one glance at the alarm clock told me I wouldn't have time for any food if I wanted to keep my job. Mom yelled a second time and I hurried to collect my belongings before rushing down the stairs and passing into the kitchen.

The energising tunes of the radio sang in the background of the room. A humming added itself to the original singer alongside the clattering of dishes. It was followed by the sound of movement which made me suspiciously peak past the door to be shocked into a standstill. There, in the middle of the kitchen, whilst Nina was chomping on some cereal, was mom dancing cheerily as she cooked some noodles for breakfast.

It wasn't the fact that she was making noodles that shocked me, it was the fact that she was dancing this early in the morning like she'd just drank three energy drinks. 'How does she find the willpower to be so...', I couldn't even find the word to describe her behaviour.

"Mom... Are you okay?" I cautiously asked her. She swayed her hips in time with the music and turned to me with a grin on her face.

"Of course! Good morning!" She beamed in reply. I grimaced at her and turned to the fridge, pouring myself a glass of orange juice before I moved to the bread bin and took some brown bread to toast.

"Don't get me wrong, but shouldn't you be hungover and complaining and regretting your life decisions?" I asked her suspiciously. The timer on the toaster counted down and I watched as mom heartily laughed before she added some sauce and spices to the noodles.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now