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Izuku opened his eyes, only to be met with moree darkness. He instinctively went to move but fell onto the ice-cold ground. He was tied up. Only moments ago, he was laughing and talking with Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki, and the others in the common area of the dorms. Then, the attack happened. It was all a big blur to him, but he does know that he was taken hostage. Was anyone else? He gave a small groan at his pounding head, and squirmed so he could rock backward to sit up, making him thump into the wall behind him. He sat in the lonely darkness, with only his worries to keep him company. He tried to come up with some sort of plan to escape, but the outcome of each one was death. His head perked up at footsteps that sent an echo around the room, and a shiver down his spine. Then, he was blinded by the bright florecent lights of the room.

"Izuku Midoriya.."

Deku recognized that voice. Tomura Shigaraki. He opened his eyes, and immediately resorted to using a 20% flick, but.. nothing happened.

"Aren't quirk supressors nice? So easy to inject.. right under the flesh."

Midoriya's eyes widened slightly. Now, all he could do was wait to be saved.

"Anywho.. instead of killing you on the spot, I'll be merciful!"

Shigaraki announced, giving a large smile.

"I'll let our newest member of the league torture you,, until you're begging for death."

Deku gave a small shutter, praying the pros weren't far.

"So! Meet Kanu.."

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