Darkness That Consuming Me

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This is a really long one shot. It has 9849 words ಥ‿ಥ (I'm so proud) Read it at your own risk. Lol.

You. Have. Been. WARNED.

Enjoy! (◠‿◠✿)

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Her hands started trembling, her eyes widen as she stared at the piece of object in her hands. The air around her suddenly felt cold. She let out a shaking breath as she put the object on the counter near her bathroom sink. She could feel her heart beating quickly in panic. Her chest started hurting, so she grabbed onto it, trying to ease the pain. Her vision was blurry as she was trying to take a deep breath. It wasn't making it any better. She felt as if she was in a tiny place with nowhere to escape. In her situation, she wanted to escape quickly. Escaped from the truth. She was suffocating in that tiny bathroom. She slowly lower down her body while holding onto the sink, trying to keep herself in balance as she sat on the bathroom floor, breathing heavily. Each breath she took was getting harder than the next. She felt like she wanted to faint, to let the darkness consume her, to make this pain to go away.

After a few minutes, she finally managed to calm herself down. Her breathing finally at ease. She took a few deep breath before exhaled it once more. She slowly stood up and looked at herself in mirror. Her quils was a mess, her face was pale, there were sweats showing onto her forehead. She turned on her tap and splash some of the cold water onto her face. She closed her eyes while holding onto the counter. Is this really happening? No this can't be true. She thought to herself. She opened her eyes and turned slowly to look at the object that she placed beside the sink. She grabbed it with her shaking hands and examined it.

Two red lines was showing up at the object. Pregnant. Pregnant. She was pregnant. She looked away from it, not wanting to believe this was true. How can she be pregnant? I mean she knew how. But how? How could this happened. How can she explain to her boyfriend? Will he be angry? Will he be happy? What should she do now? Her boyfriend was always supporting her in every thing. Her dreams. Her decision. Will he be supportive of her when he finds out about... This. She of all people knew he love her. She was his happiness. His joy. The love of his life. At least that's what he told her. She knew she shouldn't have any doubts about his love for her. But she couldn't help it. Him knowing about this could change everything. Weather its good or bad. It will change everything. And she was afraid of the outcome. But she knows that he have the right to know. With a final sighed. She exited her bathroom.

After a lot of thinking she decided to make him a nice dinner, to give him the news gently. As she was cooking his favourite food, a thought was popping up in her mind. What if he leaves me? This thought wasn't actually new to her. She always feel insecure about herself and their relationships. When they started dating back in high school, she didn't ever think that their relationship will last. Cause she seen many couples didn't last their relationships, expecially in high school. But for some reason, she and boyfriend's, lasted. Even after graduating from high school and going to different college. Their relationship was stronger than ever. He called her every night, even though he was swapped with many assignments. He always tells her that she should keep herself healthy and never skip a meal. Once she fell ill, and her boyfriend quickly drove to her house to bring her some medicine and took care of her. Of course she kept on telling him to go back but he still kept on insisting that he wouldn't leave until she was healthy again. She found it sweet and stupid of him to do that. His college was miles away and he drove all the way to her house, just to make sure she took her medication.

She let out a happy sighed thinking about him. After setting up the dinner, she waited for him to come back home. Still even though they have been together for 8 years. She still have a doubt about him leaving her one day. He move in with her about 3 years ago and it made her really happy to be close to him. He made her so happy and she hope that she also made him happy. If he choose to leave her, she will accepted his decision. She have been preparing herself for the break up from the beginning. Surely it wouldn't hurt that much right? She snapped from her thoughts after hearing the creaking of front door. She stood up and went to greet her boyfriend.

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