A very different aspect from aim and a goal!
This being to a half of my accomplishment,
It's not something simple because it's rugged.
Ups and downs visualised almost all times,
Right now am almost done:
I am probably accomplishing what I must do.
At this hour I need the best production I have never not thought about,
It needs not any kind of destruction,
Imagine something that will forever make one lucky.
I have faith, love and trust in the Lord,
He plans, blesses, views and knows whatever all will be,
In His name, I seek wisdom to stride with me
to greater heights.
It's something not simple and it's here that
I need not lose any kind of focus.
Today, I am not in line to pause any questions!
All have done me good I expect,
No matter where we shall all go:
They will not be memories or something to remember,
It's today and today is not to change,
In my whole life, this day will forever be today,
I will not remember because I see,
And I will forever see because I have sight.
They are not challenges yet,
But I want to get into many to make them opportunities in every way.
I am not almost there because I believe,
PoetrySo many things that we do in life where everything is sarcastic and ironical... Doing a lot of things in our day today routine, asking and seeking from God guidance... In which ever thing I do I believe am there where I wanna be already, just giving...