For Us Girls

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You hold your head down

And hide your beautiful face

You are unsure as to why

But you know no one else could know

You were touched and hurt

You can't change it

You can't blame yourself

You can only blame faith

You were beaten 

You were abused 

Don't let that control you

Stand up for yourself

You were neglected 

You feel all alone

But don't worry

There is someone out there like you

You aren't alone

You have a friend

Not sure as to were to find them

But they are out there waiting for you with open arms

Embrace your color

Except some love

Take charge in life 

You went through a bad life

You're not the only one

The world may seem cold 

But it isn't when you're not alone

Don't take your life

Because some one decided to rape you

Don't take your life

Because you're abused

Be that person

That helps change the next generation of girls

That will go through what you're going through

Understand that it is at least

One other person 

That is going through the exact same thing

As you

You have to be strong

Don't let it happen no more

Stand up

For yourself 

Become your hero

Become your leader

Be you

And let no one change


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