Author's note

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Hello, I just want to say a few things before you read this story.

This is a Keanu Reeves Fanfic that I wrote back in the beginning of January, it was my way of getting back into writing and it somewhat helped but didn't last, but I'm changing that once again. I am going to post the first chapter here so I can share it with the world, its probably going  to be short maybe like 5 or 10 chapters depending on how you guys like it and depending on how much I am willing to write.

I must say this isnt my first rodeo, I have written fanfiction ever since middle school I would probably say, I also write poetry too. So I am confident in my writng.

I love when people tell me how they like my writing it makes my day. It motivates me to update more and want to write more. All your feedback means a lot to me. Its what keeps me going. It motivates me to become the inspiring author i always wanted to become eventually.

One more thing, if you want to check out some of my writing I have a tumblr and some of my stuff is on there so feel free to go check it out.


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