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It's rude to stare. Unless you're in love apparently, then you can go ahead.

This blonde girl is my target. Whenever they can, my eyes are affixing to her like turrets, not wanting to spend a moment gazing elsewhere if they can help it. Often I find my focus to be on her lips, and as obvious as it is why, I'm still not so sure. She's got some kind of lip gloss on, and the minuscule scent it leaves is driving me crazy. I want to know what it tastes like.

Or maybe that's an excuse, and I just wanna taste her. Maybe I want her to run her hands against my body whichever way she wants and slide her tongue into my mouth and—

Shit, we're already at her front door. How we managed to live in the same building is beyond me. But I live on a higher floor, and I can't get to my apartment without passing hers.

"I had a great night, hmm?" She says calmly, and I'm stuck wondering if she really is calm or if she hides it well. I'm nervous as fuck, so it'd be nice to know that she was too. Her french accent twists a few of the sounds in a delightful way, and I can feel my face warming up.

"Uhh, me too! Yeah, it's been wonderful!" I try to sound as genuine as I can, which is odd considering I'm not even lying.

But now her arms are wrapping around me, and mine around her, pulling us both into the most comfortable hug I've ever known. Now that I'm getting a chance to press myself against her I realize that her body is incredibly well-built. Her arms are solid but still soft, making it impossible to escape; as if I'd ever want to.

As I start to step back I can feel the tension skyrocketing, the air getting thicker with unspoken desire. A quick glance into her eyes and I'm locked, trying to ask for what I want with just a stare. She doesn't break either, instead forming a small smirk on her lips. Suddenly I can't stop making glances at her smile either.

"Your eyes are beautiful," she says quietly, just loud enough to send some sort of amazing sensation down my spine. She sees me twitch and my face flushes. As soon as her eyes flicker to my own grin, it's confirmed. My breath starts to stutter, I wasn't ready for it to happen so soon.

Her eyes shut so delicately as she moves her lips toward me, and for that last moment before I shut my own I can see her confidence. She's so good at exploiting all the right weaknesses. My heart is throbbing through my chest and time is stopped. I'm at her mercy.

Finally I can feel her lips brush against mine, and for the slightest moment the touch is broken. But I don't even have time to wonder if that was it before she makes contact again. The first thing to hit me is the hint of a surprising sweet taste. It's her very own flavor, and before I've even gotten to know it I'm already addicted.

Then I realize how unbelievably soft it is— like pillows. She's pressing so gently against me but I'm already sinking in. And at the same time I really am; my body is relaxing and settling into hers. My arms tighten around her. Fireworks start detonating behind my eyes, and in my heart.

A fluttering follows, I can't tell what, but it wraps all around me and takes me somewhere else. At once I'm both here, with her, and in a different dimension. I desperately hold the kiss, never wanting to leave this place behind. She doesn't resist, but instead sinks into it like I already have. We're stuck together.

Yet eventually she does separate from me, and my eyes hesitate to open again in case I really am in an alternate dimension. But we're still outside her apartment, no matter how much different it feels now than mere moments ago. The kiss felt like eternity but I can only guess it was 3 or 4 seconds.

She gives a soft huff to catch her breath, reminding me to do the same. For some reason it's adorable when she does it. Thanks to her, my face is completely red. She lights up a little when she sees it and gives a small sound of joy.

Still breathless, I'm searching for words to say but I can't find any. Only now do I notice that I'm shaking. But her arms around me pull me closer, and I feel strangely safe.


I lose the words before I can even find them. I look into her eyes again, trying to look helpless. It seems like a safe bet.

"Your first?"

She smiles just a bit, then blushes. Her accent, even on the short phrase, is beautiful. In a split second I decide I never want her to stop talking. My mouth opens to answer her question, but she does it for me.

"Mine too. But I could tell."

She licks her lips, and without thinking I do it too before I realize why. Her light, yet heavenly taste, is again on my tongue. Now I know she enjoyed mine just as much. Again, being the shy one, I can't figure out anything to say, so she speaks for me.

"Bet you'd like to go again, hmm?"

This time she winks, and I practically melt. I manage to hum an agreement, and without another word she opens her door and brings me inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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