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Why, hello, reader.

It appears that you stumbled on this mysterious, yet suspicious, chapter.

Have you ever managed to translate my words here? You know, the ones in the Afterword and in Bonus Chapter 2?

If you did, well, congratulations. You are a total genius.

You really wanna know why? I'll say here, it's just been written like that so as not to let you know about my name, my gender, or my personality.

For you see, if you really wanna know, J bn ijt xpstu ojhiunbsf. I just said so, because I'm the hero's next villain.

Yes! Uif ifsp't ofxu wjmmbjo! Now you just made sense here.

You see here, uibu Fnnfu eftfswf up qbz gps xibu if eje up nf! He messed me up here, eftuspzjoh nz mjgf, nz ipnf, nz gbnjmz boe gsjfoet! It's all his fault that he did such a thing!

Yes, he did this to me! That "thing" that he had made before had caused me to be mfgu cfijoe gps hppe. And that he made me forgotten by everyone else. That I cannot accept entirely.

I'm sure here that once I made my "thing" to pay back to his "thing" he made, I'm going to tell you that jf xjmm ofwfs, fwfs, fwfs nftt nf vq bhbjo!

Am I getting my point here? Or are you too confused by the gibberish I spoke right now?

Never mind that one if you are a genius. At least you can translate it.

For I will give him the taste of his own medicine! Cftjeft, J'mm xsfdl ijt ipnf, bozxbz. And, I will ljmm ijt gsjfoet, upp! Get it? That sounds like eftuspzjoh fwfszuijoh if mpwfe!

At least you knew.

Prepare to face me, Fnnfu! For you will fall under my wrath!


(cough, cough)

Oh, sorry, mind me. I'm just a bit asthmatic.

Remember this, sfbefs, that I just said those gibberish words between my normal words so as to raise the mystery between my goals. And that only a genius can translate them.

Confused, eh? Well, let me tell you that I'm going to be his next antagonistic persona (or villain, rather) in the ofyu cppl that this writer, this Njttz Xsjufs, will make very, very soon.

Satisfaction is expected bspvoe uijt tfrvfm, you ask me.

Don't even try to ask the writer who I am, though. One solitary comment from you and I will set a curse on you, whatever it may be.

I'm only warning you, though. I'm good at making people scared of something that scares them. Really.

I think that's all. I'm expecting that you will know me.

My revenge jo uif tfrvfm to him will be, well...

...sbejdbmmz fyusfnf.



Who do you think is the villain?
Why would the villain use gibberish words in the mysterious chapter?
And will the villain be able to defeat the hero?

Gjoe pvu jo "Uif MFHP Npwjf 2 GboGjd Tfrvfm: Uif SYR Sfubmjbujpo"!

Coming soon to Wattpad.

(Comments are strictly prohibited here. If you want to translate the gibberish, go grab a pencil and paper and use them both to translate them all. The secret code is this: J = I.)

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