love is pink like your hair...

822 31 14

It was a normal day for doppio. he awoke from another dream about some strange tall man being his lover. Strange isnt it? He seems so infatuated with a stranger (is he even real? He feels real to doppio) he often thought about this man. He felt so real..and doppio was in love with him. He treated doppio so nicely and his voice was so deep it echoed in doppio's mind never escaping his thought. He stretched letting out a yawn. "Doppio breakfast is ready!" a fragile femine voiced said barely reaching said man's room. "Coming..." doppio untucked himself and rushed down stairs. After eating breakfast and chatting with his mom a bit he heads back sluggishly into his room. See doppio wasn't the most popular per say... well he doesn't have any friends to spend his summer with.he should be hanging out with friends like all the other 16 year olds!! It's not like people don't like him, he's just a loner. He's known for being a teacher's pet. Especially the male teachers. He was eager to please any man after his father left as a kid. It hurt him to the point he felt as if he needed to prove to everyone that he was worth men's attention but that's besides the point. He felt the need to interact with people and be the center of attention. After some searching he learned about discord and a term called "roleplaying" he decided how he was gonna get some very much needed socialization. (in a sense) this has to work right? It's better to try and fail and hell maybe doppio will even have a bit of fun! Finally after hyping himself he joins a server with only around 20 members. "I need a name..something cute" the pink hair boy thought. "PINK GUMBALL!" he shouted a little too loudly for his own comfort. After waiting a bit and no response to him joining he gets worried until he hears a small beep. "Greetings newbie glad ur here :-)" someone with the name "the boss" responded!!! Fitting for the owner of the server heheh... "thx so glad to be here :3" his stomach feels as if it is full of butterflies. After a bit of discussing (mainly of the rules and stuff) "the boss" seemed to really warm up to him even calling his username cute to which doppio thought he was gonna die of happiness. "What do you wanna roleplay...." doppio typed shyly. "I was thinking.. Maybe you're my employee and I'm your boss :0??" the other male typed. That was fine with doppio yeah this is going so much better than he hoped!! After a bit of roleplaying "the boss's" character seemed very comfortable with doppio's. "Ahh ur such a good employee i think you deserve a reward... " what does he mean... another ding from someone else completely crashed his train of thought. "WELCOME!!!!" someone with the username "pastel bunny :)" greeted him. This might be the best decision he's ever made... After a bit he would learn new things about his new found friend like his name was diavolo, he was 28, and he was pretty loaded!! This continued on for a few weeks (doppio even getting closer to "the boss") and they finally decided to call. Doppio was nervous as hell. Thoughts like "what if he hates my voice?" "what if i mess up?" raced through his head but he knew he wanted to do this with all his heart. "Tururururururu" his phone rang loudly. He ran as fast as he could to the phone. "H-hello?" god he was so embarrassed could he do this. It's not too late to- "Ah hello doppio" the man spoke on the other line. Oh my god... its the same voice from his dreams.. It;s him the mystery man is real its him his brain was short circuiting so much he forgot to reply. "Doppio?" AHH! How could he forget the love of his life was talking.. WAIT LOVE OF HIS LIFE???? "Hehe sorry its just..." doppio let out a nervous chuckle after saying that. "It's what my sweet doppio.." well if there was a perfect time to let the cat out of the bag it's now. After explaining everything to diavolo (his dreams,his dad,even why he joined the server) diavolo just chuckled saying he had a thing for the boy and ultimately decided that they should get together. It wasn't wrong for there to be such a large age gap right?? No he was happy his daddy (a nickname diavolo wanted to be called) treated him right and that's all that matters. He was so happy for once nothing could go wrong until.. "VINEGAR DOPPIO GET DOWN HERE!!" his mother yelled. Huh? His mom was always so calm. What was wrong?? He ran down faster than ever before only to see his mom holding his phone. "Doppio why are you talking to some random man and saying you love him??" she said teary. "What's wrong?? We're happy I don't see why you're upset??" he was scared now what was she going to do. She sighed "doppio i know you're lonely but he's just using you.. I won't let this go on any longer!! Send 1 last message to him" god what is she doing "but mom please let me-" "NO DOPPIO JUST,,, do it please i'm doing what's best for you" she said leaving him with his phone. God he can't do this!!! Tears spilled from his eyes as he typed "diavolo i love you with all my soul my mom is breaking us apart.. I'm sorry , maybe we'll meet again in another day and age goodbye to my boss, the man with my heart.." he sobbed as he clicked off his phone. Back to his boring life..






No.. this will not do.. He thought to himself my precious doppio will be mine forever,,, the man bought a plane ticket to his lover's house filled with rage of his cursed mother. He will snatch his angel away from that wicked monster!! After a long wait he knocks on said boy's door... "DIAVOLO????".......

Hope you enjoyed ^_^ 

sorry this is sooo short let me know if you enjoy!!

love is pink (≧◡≦) (doppio x diavolo)Where stories live. Discover now