Cнα⅊тɛʀ 18 (edited)

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Nora's P.O.V

Since I wasn't going to be meeting Elian at the Blue Box Café, I decided I'd give him a heads up, so he knew to not expect me there. I felt terrible for wasting his time, but it was all Elijah's fault and now it seemed I was never going to get my answers about Ben. This may have been my one and only shot to get the information and now it was too late, who knows when the next opportunity would arise?
Moving away from the view and shuffling till I found my bag; I took my phone out and sent a short message to Elian:

I won't be able to make it to the meeting today, I have to look after my sister right now. I'm sorry for the mess it caused. Let's reschedule?

I didn't want to tell Elian that the real reason I couldn't meet him was because his brother was mean and completely selfish. It would just cause a rift between the brothers and I'm pretty sure Elian would have tried to show up at the office to whisk me away from Elijah. It was additional drama to a life that was too dramatic already. Once I'd finally cooled down from my temper tantrum, I put my phone back in my bag and avoided checking it. I'd probably made Elian angry with my abrupt change of plans and because of that he was going to ignore me for it.

Unfortunately, there was no point sitting like a duck in water and waiting for something to happen. I ended up returning to Elijah's office and joining him in front of his desk on a plush armchair. He was still ignoring me and as time dragged by, my boss just kept working whilst I stayed bored as hell. He didn't even bother giving me any work to do. 'This is so frustrating! If you're going to make me stay overtime at least give me something to do!' I mentally complained.

Incoming calls started blazing throughout Elijah's office. They were relentless and as much as my boss tried to stay professional, I could see his patience waning and his temper rising. His body showed his neck veins popping out, a tic forming in his jaw and his fists kept clenching and banging on the desk making me jump each time. He started to pace along the room whilst his voice was increasing, and his conversations turned slurred with demands. Call after call, his eyes narrowed at one of the statues in his office and he began muttering under his breath.

"Why on earth did I hire a bunch of complete idiots to work for me? If you want to finish a job, you've got to do it yourself."

I rolled my eyes at the comment and crossed my arms over my chest. Elijah's conversations were difficult to decipher, parts of his words mentioned a huge deal going down at a particular location and time but when he started raising his voice again, I couldn't focus in time to figure out more of the details.

'How much longer would I have to stay here?' I wanted to question Elijah, but I didn't dare try to interrupt his telephone calls. When it seemed like no one else was going to call him, Elijah yielded his pacing and returned to his desk, settling down and assessing something on his laptop that I couldn't see.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now