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Born into a criminal kin
He grew & learnt the way of this sin
Saw it as the only way he could in life win.
Instead of throwing the bad attributes in the bin,
He continues in this path.

Following in the footstep, every inch
He makes sure everyone around him feels a pinch
His name Finch
Whenever he spoke, the world would in fear, flinch
Like the wind, he could not be caught to be lynched

Every day that was new
He, in the level of crime, grew
Oh, how high he flew
Soon he became Bishop Of The Pew
But he was soon to wish that path he did eschew.

On one of the deals he had got
It was like taking candy from a baby's cot
Definitely the mother would be, in the chase,hot
Till she retrieves the baby's lot
And teach a lesson one would not ,in a hurry, blot

On this particular event,
He walks into the place like a gent
For a suspicion, he wanted to prevent
So he could his prey, circumvent
And then strike till his heart is content.

Approaching the master of the place
He threatens with a gun, his face.
In order to hasten the operation's pace
That before the arrival of the authorities, he is gone without a trace
And into a safe hiding place.

However fate had other plans for this fellow
One that is gauranteed to wipe off his glow
And with just one blow,
Cause him to be mellow
Whilst with his head on a stony pillow.

He could have just surrendered with the police in sight
But he was determined not to go down without a fight.
His parents had taught him that that was right
Hence it was the wind beneath his life's kite
And he would use this lesson on this site.

Putting out his gun
He begins shooting with an intent to stun.
Hoping it would make the authorities run
But he was as wrong as the expression "a brothel's nun"
And the consequences, oh were not fun.

After the gun battle with the police so long
The police sing a sad song
Rolling out the death's gong.
For many of their officers did, death's table, throng
With the bullets Finch's ammunition flung.

At the time the battle is over for Finch's exhausted fire power
They move in on him like a disabled electrified tower,
And like the case of a sower,
He is snatched & into the prison soil put lower
At the mercy of reconstruction's mower

To trim his danger element
And his humanity, augment
That he may be less of a torment
And more of the community's excitement
But oh, he was head deep in this garment.

He is granted bail
But with a condition that if he should at responsibility, fail
The law would have him once more in jail
Or worse still they would, his person, to death, nail
Advised is he by the judge to make a good sail.

But he thought
"I am the king of crime, I could have whatever crime, wrought"
This said, some ammunition he bought
And to cause havoc, he desperately sought
Hell to earth, he in one day, brought

As he maimed & butchered so much.
Never had the town ever witnessed such
But again the police, after the 500th was given the grim reaper's touch,
Step in to give anymore of such, a botch.

They come very ready this time
To smoothly put an end to the actions of this king of crime
Make him feel the brunt of being under hardship's clime
And regret ever stealing his first dime

Before finally putting him to the sword
Severing between life and himself, the linking cord
That he may to the land of the dead, ford
Since he had rejected listening to the many-a-remand-word.

Tortured is he for four days,
Each day's torture is done in different ways.
Then on the fourth day, before the rising of the sun's rays,
The ultimate price he finally pays.

He is put in the path of an armoured tank
And crushed while his blood into the ground sank
Finally he receives his greatest salary from repercussion's bank
As the highest in crime's rank.

His remains are burnt black
Finally, this town enjoys a peace they did once lack.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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