Your Secret Admirer (Narry One Shot)

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I awoke to my alarm clock beeping. It was disruptive to the gentle sound of morning around me. The birds stopped chirping as if the noise had muted them. I sighed and hit the snooze button, letting the birds resume their chatter. I was about to drift off to sleep when I felt something shake me.

"Come on, Niall. Get up! This is no time to sleep!"

It was Louis, being his bubbly self and trying to wake me up. Louis had a horrible way of getting people to get out of bed. He'd shake you and scream your name until you either got up or punched him in the face. I did consider hitting him but since all my strength had left me while I slept, I just sat up and leaned against the back of my bed.

"See Niall? That wasn't so hard, now was it?"

"Oh shut up, Lou." I mumbled.

He smiled at me. "Well you'd better get out of bed, it's Valentines Day and we've got loads of letters to read."

"That's great, but could you get out of my room?" I said, throwing a pillow at Louis.

He laughed and ruffled up my hair. "Don't be a grumpy head, Niall." And with that said, he walked out of my room.

I stumbled over to my closet and grabbed out some clothing. A pair of gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt seemed fine. I threw on my outfit and went downstairs. When I reached the bottom of the steps, my eyes grew wide with the amount of envelopes that were covering the living room floor. There were hundreds- no, hundreds is an understatement- thousands of them. Zayn saw me standing there and laughed. "Morning."

"That's quite a pile we've got there." I said, walking over to Zayn.

"We haven't started reading them yet. You're helping us sort everything, yeah?"

"Uh, sure. Just let me wake up." I said, going into the kitchen to get some breakfast.

When I walked into the kitchen, however, my mouth dropped open.

There was no food.

"Zayn," I said through gritted teeth. "Why hasn't anyone made me breakfast?"

"We're not your servants, mate"

I could've killed him right on the spot. How could they not make me food? That's the ultimate level of disrespect. I was going to get them back for that. I scowled at Zayn and went into the living room.

I plopped down on the sofa next to Liam and sighed. I knew it was going to take forever to read these valentines. It's not like I don't appreciate the fact the fans send us these, because I do. I just wish it didn't take so long to read them all. I guess Liam knew I wasn't in such a great mood, being woken up by Louis and not eating anything, so he patted me on the back. "I know you don't feel like helping, but you're not getting off the hook. It'll be fun, don't worry."

"Sure it'll be fun. Just as much fun as going to play with those puppies last week."

"I didn't know the dog was going to pee on you!"

"Whatever. Let's just get started on sorting these out."

"Oi Zayn! Get over here, we're starting on the letters." Liam shouted.

I slid off the couch and onto the floor next to Louis, who was already making piles of envelopes.

"Alright, all of Harry's letters go here, Liam's go here, mine will go over there, Zayn's will go right there, yours will go..." Louis kept talking but I zoned out. I started filing the valentines, trying to be quick but not mess up. I glanced over at Harry, who was nonchalantly putting the envelopes into piles. I saw Liam look at Harry and sigh, obviously frustrated that he wasn't making any progress. I laughed and returned back to work as Liams eyes gazed at me.

-------------------Later that night-----------------

I stomped upstairs with the weight of a sleeping Zayn on my back making me extremely slow. I walked over to his room and opened the door. When I got inside I set him on the bed and covered him with a blanket. I wiped some of his spit off ny shoulder and went into my own room.

The house was quiet since all the other boys were already in bed. I slipped my shirt off and changed into my pajama bottoms. I yawned as I hopped into bed. I pulled the blanket over me and slid my hand underneath the pillow. My fingers grabbed something that was lying between my bed and the pillow. I sat up, examining the blue envelope that I pulled out.

"How did this get here?" I whispered to myself. It had my name written in black ink on the front. I pulled the back open and began reading the paper inside.

"Dear Niall, I really wish I had the guts to give this to you in person, but I think you'd be a bit freaked out. I just wanted to let you know that I love you. I don't think you feel the same way, though. Anyway, happy Valentines Day xx."


I sat in bed, pulling on my curly hair. I was having the worst anxiety attack. Everything that could go wrong was going through my head. Was he creeped out? Was he going to try to find who wrote him the letter? What would he think if he found out it was me? I rolled over on my back and sighed. I started to close my eyes as I mumbled "I love you, Niall."


So how was it? That was a tad longer than the last one, and I like it more because it wasn't as sad :3 I thought I should point out that the end was Harry's POV and he was the one who wrote the valentine (I put in the curly hair part so you could tell it was Harry, but I should've put in a few more clues)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2012 ⏰

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