A Fresh Start

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WARNING: This story will have excessive swearing in it. I'm warning you now so I don't have to warn you later. There may also be some triggering events in some chapters, but I will put trigger warnings before each chapter.

Eddie POV:

     They always say you 'fall' in love. You never 'slip' or 'drift' into it, like you do with sleep. You always 'fall'. Well, I guess I feel pretty fucking hard.
     You see, a while ago, I met a boy. And then... feelings happened. Let's just start there.
Derry, Maine. 1992; Eddie's second year at Derry High School

     A new year. A fresh start. I find my way to my new locker (which happens to be fairly small, but I can manage). I put in the combo, and put my books away. The teachers said we would only need a pencil and a notebook, so I didn't bring much.

     It was... quiet. Sort of, at least. It was quieter than usual, which was strange. It took me a minute to figure out why, until it hit me. Literally. A sharp pain stings on my back. That's gonna leave a mark.

     I turn around, shooting a frown at whomever decided to hit me. I see a boy who isn't much taller than me, but just enough to be intimidating. His giant glasses immediately let me know who he is. Richie fucking Tozier.

     His black hair curled in a way that made it look like he didn't even bother to brush it. His glasses actually framed his face very well, complementing his face shape and nose, even if he is made fun of for them. Freckles dusted his nose and cheeks, contrasting his pale skin.

     And I could never forget his eyes. Richie has beautiful eyes, at least in my opinion. They were a deep brown, like chocolate. And I swear to god that if I looked into them for long enough, I could actually get lost.

     My stare was broken however when Richie cocked his head to the side, confused. "What are you looking at?" He looked around, as though expecting to see someone behind him.

     "It's nothing. Now let's get going, dumbass." Richie looked at me like a wounded puppy. He dramatically brought a hand to his chest.

     "Well I never!" He said. Well, more of yelled. Everyone turned their heads to look at who disrupted the peace, and they looked at me expectantly. I pointed a finger at Richie.

     "It was him." He looked almost shocked by the fact that I snitched in him. Not sure what he was expecting, though. It's not like I was going to take the blame for something that he did.

     Richie put his hands up in the air. "Sorry guys. My bad." Everyone turned their attention back to what they were doing prior. Richie looked at me.

     "Anyways. Where do we need to go in such a rush anyway? It's the first day. We still have a few extra minutes." He said. This idiot.

     "I wanted to get going so we could meet up with everyone else, dumbass."

     "Hey! Don't call me dumbass, dumbass!" I tried to hold in a laugh, failing. Richie looked at me with a look of confusion on his face.

     "What are you laughing at?"

     "Nothing. You're just such a dumbass." I walked down the hall as Richie stood, fuming. He always did like to have the last word. Too bad. I laugh to myself. Richie soon takes after me.

     I spot bright orange hair in the crowd of students, and begin making my way towards it.

     Sure enough, Beverly is talking with Bill. Eddie decided to completely disregard their conversation due to the time.

      "Bill! Do you want to hang out with me and Richie before school starts?" Bill was about to answer when a guy next to him groaned.

     "Eddie. For the last time, it's not 'me and Richie' it's 'Richie and I'." The boy spat. He had curls like Richie's, just more under control.

     "Oh hi Stanley. Didn't see you there. You got taller. Again." He turned his attention back to Bill, causing Stanley to front a look of annoyance.

     "So, Bill. What do you say?"
     Bill looked... uncertain. "Uhh.. s-sorry Eddie, b-but I was going t-to hang out with S-Stanley."

     Eddie looked at him hopefully. "Maybe later then? At Richie's?" Stanley looked at Bill expectantly, and Bill shook his head. "S-sorry."

     "It's fine. How about you Beverly?" She nodded, and then looked as though she remembered something.

     "Oh, shoot. I was going to hang out with Ben today. You don't mind if he comes too, right?" She looked almost as though she was uncertain.

     I give her a small smile. "Of course not! The more Losers the better!" Beverly nods, seeming to understand what I mean.

     Bill looked at Stanley, engaging in an eyes conversation. Stanley looked at him, and averted his gaze. "Fine."

     Bill pumped his fists in the air. He looks at me, seeming proud of himself.

     "Change of plans! Stanley and I can come after all!"

     I give him a thumbs up, only making him more proud. He may be our 'leader' but he can be dense as hell sometimes.

     "After school, right?"


     I start walking to my first period class, which I just do happen to share with Richie. I hear heavy steps and panting behind me.

     "Eddie you dumbass, wait up! Where'd you even go?" Richie asks as he catches up to me. I don't look away from the hallway in front of me or stop walking as I begin to talk to him.

     "I was talking with Bev, Bill and Stan. Oh, yeah. And everyone is coming over to your place tonight. Except for Mike. I haven't asked him yet."

     Richie looks at me dumbfounded. He starts to realize what I just said.

     "Hey! Wait! Did you just invite everyone to my house without even asking me first?!" He asked, accusingly.

     "No! I didn't invite everyone. I already told you, I haven't asked Mike yet." Richie looked frustrated, and realized it was pointless arguing about this. I had already invited almost everyone anyways. He would just have to make sure they all leave before his parents get home.


Hi. It's the author. I just wanted to let you know that I plan on making this kinda long, so if you guys have anything in particular to happen (with a ship or whatever), to please comment! Thanks so much and I hope you enjoyed.

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