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My name is Eddy Silverio, I'm 17 years old, today april 22, 2020 is a beautiful day, I'm so happy of this life that i glhave, but, all thanks for a groups of fans and some friends that they are called armys. Today I want to tell a little part of my life, a little lesson that life has given me. Supposedly you suffer or have gone through some family problems or in your minds? ... Well, believe me that I also go through the same route.
so .. this is my story.

On February 2, 2019, in the high school, I used to be a very shy and quiet boy when talking to many people and students. I wanted to try to have friends with good feelings. At the same time, I felt scared when talking to someone because I always sensed that they would reject me for being different and because I am Hispanic. So I decided to talk to some classmate, and yes, I was right, nobody wanted to talk to me because I am a strange person, they ignored me, nobody wanted me for teamwork, I felt very humiliated and alone, I just wanted to have a friend to play with and have a chat. At lunchtime, I tried to forget what happened. I tried to sit down and have lunch with someone who maybe I thought they could be friends, but not really. everyone rejected me. I felt quite sad and went to lunch alone.
after school. I walked to my home. When I arrived, the first thing I received was a little insult from my uncle and my sister, that's right, I live with my uncle and my sister in the United States. My parents are very far from me, they cannot support me in anything, I try to continue my studies by myself without the help of anyone. well, changing the subject. when they insulted me many things, for example: that I would not be anyone in this world, that I am a loser, etc. I felt sad with a tear in my left eye, I went to my room and cried silently, I was realizing that many people are right, that I am a shame and a failure for the world, that i never gonna be somebody in this world. the only thing that relaxes is singing and writing songs. My real dream is to be a singer🎼🎤🎶, but nobody supports me, I felt so alone.

2 months passed, and the same thing was repeated. After school, I went to my room only with the lights off, all dark where I consider myself to be, in a place full of loneliness, I look at myself in a mirror with tears in my eyes saying everything that I hate myself, I don't love myself, I call myself ugly and monster. I was losing my mind, I was about to commit suicide by taking many sleeping pills to overdose, at that very moment, something inside me told me not to do it, so I turned on the lights and realized I was about to commit a serious mistake in making a suicide, so drop the pills and grab a notepad and start writing songs and try to forget what happened.

a week after what happened. in high school, in biology class, I met a boy who caught my attention, he had a bt21 shirt, I went up to him and said - I like your shirt - and he told me; - Thanks, I'm a big fan of BTS. At that moment I was left with many doubts in my head. who or who are BTS. I investigated it and listened to some of his songs that caught my attention "boy with luv" and "love yourself answer", I fell in love with his songs, then investigated about each member of BTS, and I was more called park jimin's 😍💜attention by her beautiful voice and attitude. After that day, I dedicated myself to listening to all his songs, I realized that I was quite happy and relaxed at the same time Run BTS too. Now every time someone insults me, I just ignore and listen to BTS. BTS, 7 boys gave me lessons and made me understand that I should love myself. I saw many problems with the same case that I had, and it made me understand many things that I should love myself.

On the internet I met many armys friends, and they considered me as family, all thanks to BTS, which is like my second family full of love. Today in 2020 I dedicate myself to helping people with the same problem as me to love themselves and recommending listening to BTS. all armys are my family, I PURPLE YOU 💜💜💜.

I hope you liked this little story of my life I love you 💜💜 armys.

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