Meeting the Mikaelsons

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Hayley POV:

"I dunno really I just know I have to get out of this city sooner or later" said the young girl.

She started to walk of aging, but then started to sway until she collapsed but was quickly caught by Klause.

He picked her up bridal style and look to me as if to say what the hell do I do now.

"I think we should just let her stay with us for the night then we can help her out in the morning to wherever she needs to since she just saved my life."

He just nodded and we all started to walk back to the compound.

However as we walked back I noticed my daughter never took her eyes of her not once.


Mackenzie POV:

My eyes fluttered open and I blinked to get used to the light shining through the windows.

Underneath me I felt the most comfortable bed I have in years.

I looked around the room confused about where i was as I tryed to sit up pain shot all through out my body making me wince.

Piece by piece I started to remember what happened Last night. The last thing I remember was walking away then darkness.

I finally managed to sit my self up and brought my feet to the side of the bed and stood slowly trying not to move to quickly because of the pain.

I heard talking and laughing coming from somewhere outside the room. I cautiously walked to the door and opened it quietly then peeked out.

I gained some confidence and stepped outside and closed the door behind me. I started to walk to where the noise was coming from and saw a group of people sitting at a table laughing.

My heart was thundering in my chest and I began to panic because there was so many people. I took a step back but as i did the floor tile creeked making me freeze in my place.

I looked up with fear in my eyes as my heart began to beat faster.

At the sound of the noise all heads turned to me making me more uncomfortable.

After a moment of silence the woman from yesterday who helped me got up and took a step towards me. Out of instinct I took a couple back.

When i did that the woman frowned and i began to panic more thinking i did something wrong which made me take more steps backwards until i was against a wall.

I knew she helped me and was kind but so where my foster parents at first.

Hayley POV:

We were all sitting down having breakfast and laughing when we heard a creek in the floorboards making us look up.

I saw the young girl standing there looking terrified. After a moment or to I stood up and made may way to her but as I took a step forward she too a few back clearly terrified.

I frowned at the thought of someone hurting this poor girl so much that she is constantly afraid.

I think she misunderstood my look for being mad because she soon grew more fearfull and took more steps back until her back was to the wall.

"Hey it's okay, your okay I'm not going to hurt you my names Hayley. Do you remember me from last night?"

I got a small nod in return making me smile a bit witch made her relax a little.

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