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You love me and I you

Together we will always be forevermore

For then we are treated with hatred from our loved

Our first date was like heaven colliding with hell

Together we never bore like kids in a wonderland hugging and playing


You the type of boy parents hate their daughters to adore

The kind girls swoon over and over and never get bored

But our love becomes stronger than it has been forevermore

I the angel and you the devil but together you're the angel and I the devil

With you nothing else matters to me its like we're in a daydream and our loved in a nightmare forevermore

With a love so bright it makes the seraphs of heaven and demons of hell convet us

With a plot of hatred against us we run together hand in hand forevermore

Demons and Seraphs chasing us with silver swords

Hoping to tear us apart forevermore

With death as their score for us to love no more

You looked into my eyes and me into yours

And we recited four words we always longed for us to say to each other

" I love you forevermore"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2015 ⏰

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