Trident or Chiclet?

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It's the middle of world history

and we;re writing an essay

i'm so close to being done

and this class is far from being over

my #2 ticonderoga pencil keeps tapping on the desk

my eyes keep wandering to the clock

and my thoughts keep wandering from

how religion affects society

to how your hands would feel in mine

and what your favorite color and food may be

and what your voice sounds like in the morning

and how you eat waffles

because god knows i eat them like a pig

and i want to know

how saturday afternoons taste with you drizzled all over

and how much warmer the bedroom air would smell

with you floating around


at this rate i will never get this done

give me a minute...

okay, alright

it's a load of crap

but it's done

so now i can think about you

and stare at you

and wonder about how you eat

and what your favorite song used to be

and everything else about you

without feeling guilty

without feeling like a whore

without having to remember what you look like

I can stare at you

with the possibility

of you actually staring back

with the possibility of our eyes meeting

and you asking me for more than just a piece of gum

or maybe this is all that'll happen

me staring at your left hand and your temples and your calves

but maybe you were doing that during geometry

maybe you were staring at my chipped nail polish and my bouncing right leg and all over the place hair

...were you?

we're in the middle of World History

and i swear

for a minute there

the clock froze

and your hand held mine

for a few extra seconds

and you were thinking something

Maybe you were just in deep thought

about somebody else

somebody that effortlessly fits on the cover of a magazine

somebody whose insecurities don't outway her self-esteem

somebody with a tiny waist and a flat stomach and wide hips

everything i can't seem to have

and everything that i don't have like you

i'm sorry that i can't look into someone's eyes without looking away

it's not because i don't like you

it's because i literally

like everything about you

i can't tell the most important people the most important things

i can't love you

because it hurts too much

because you don't deserve a mess like me

you don't deserve the piece of shit that i am

because no matter how many times

i dip my tongue in rhymns


and metaphors

all that comes out is your name

we're in the middle of world history

actually it's closer to the end

and both our essays are done

and all i can think of is you

and i swear if there was a shooting star

or if it was my birthday

or 11:11

I'd wish for you

and if somehow

all that happened

at the same damned time

i'd waste each wish on you

even though i'd rather wish for something more practical things

like a house

or a car

or to be happy

like to lay in your arms happy

and for you to hold me

and for us to just breathe

it's the end of world history

like the bell just rang

only i'm not rushing to my next class

i'm too busy spending every last

penny i have on you

every last wish i've been granted

on you

every last minute

thinking about you..♥

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2012 ⏰

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