Poor Kaito

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((The game is normal with the chapter 5 trial and Keade's true killer being the only MAJOR difference for now))

My name is Shuchi Saihara... I don't know where exactly I am but I suppose going back over the previous day would help.....

"Maki! It's not actually true! You wouldn't kill Kaito!!" Himiko was yelling desperately trying to somehow change the truth
"No, Himiko, It was my fault... I shot him and he died from the poison"
And with that.. She was dragged off to her doom, I couldn't look, I never did with any of the executions.. I couldn't stand them...

No no... That won't help... Think more.... Back to the body discovery

Ah yes... What a peculiar one

Kaito was found dead in the bathroom without his Jacket, traces of poison in the blood that covered the lower part of his pale, cold face

Then there was the press...
There was blood splattered everywhere... But there were also drag marks from someone that seemed to have managed to use their remaining strength to leave the area, what the blood came from? We don't know.. There was also an empty bottle of Antidote nearby

No matter how hard we tried, we couldn't link anything about it to the trial.... There's something else

I know it
I just....

Can't remember...

And with that, my eyes finally opened.. That's good, I was afraid incase I was in a coma

Then my vision cleared. I was in a white high tech room and when I moved forwards I realised that I was tied up by my hands above my head in handcuffs, that were chained to the wall and my legs bound together by tight rope. I struggled for a few minutes before I heard footsteps. My head still hurt and I couldn't see anything further than my feet and the white walls, but I heard someone stop a little bit away, only barely out of my vision

"Well look who is finally up, good morning sleepyhead!!!~"

That voice... It's farmiliar but.. I can't make it out..

I could still feel their gaze on me as I desperately looked around for something, even a silhouette, I just wanted to know where I was... I wanted to leave, my hands and feet hurt from being so tightly tied

"Oh.. How rude of me.. My poor Shumai is still afraid.. Don't worry, I won't hurt you yet, but I might have to if you don't stop your struggling"

My vision seemed to be getting better so I tried to figure out where I was, I heard the soft click of the person's shoes and a strangely cold hand caressing my cheek before yanking my head so that I was looking at

"K-" His hand clamped around my mouth and my head was forced backwards and it hit the wall with slight force
"Don't waste your breath Shumai! And anyway.. We can't have anybody hearing us can we?"
Actually, now that I properly looked at Kokichi, I noticed so many odd things.. He was in his cape and hat
But I suppose the most shocking part was the robotic replacements for up to his right knee and right elbow
Kokichi followed my gaze and smiled
"Do you like it? There was a... Small incident involving a hydraulic press.. I was meant to escape it fully for the plan but this is cool! Isn't it Shumai?"
I panicked and just gave a brief nod, my arms were aching and I was honestly fighting the urge to lift up my legs from under Kokichi, who was squatting over them, with his head leaned in close to mine
" I wouldn't do that if I were you Shumai.. I'd hate to have to punish you..." his face dropped to a glare, like he knew exactly what I was thinking, before switching back to the usual smile "Who am I kidding, just seeing you like this already makes me so happy! All the despair clouding your eyes..."
He removed his metal hand from over my mouth, with it now resting on his knee like his other hand
"No thoughts about what I said? What a shame.. I was really expecting a struggle from the Ultimate Detective.. OoooH! Unless you like this sorta stuff!~"

I stuttered for once in my life "N-No! K-Kokichi please just let me go, why am I even here?!"
"Nishishsi! Because Shumai, the mastermind wants to make sure his love doesn't get harmed during his game!"

"Wh- What? Mastermind?!" I looked around the room and then stopped, Staring Kokichi dead in the eyes, feeling my stomach drop
"You're the-the Mastermind!?... And y-you think of me in that way-"I was interrupted by Kokichi wrapping his hands around my waist and bringing his entire body closer to me with a smirk, I felt blood rush to my face and get hot, I was blushing so much and that seemed to make Kokichi smile even more." Of course, I lie alot but trust me. I'm not lying about this, Nishishi!"
"H-He-hey don't do that!"
"Aww why not? You can't really do much to object.. And your face is definitely saying something different to your mouth... But alrighty then!"
He lightly tapped me on the nose before he walked away with a wild smile, his cape flowing behind him, he shut the door quietly and there were a few mechanical clicks before a screen in the room flashed on

"Hello Shuchi Saihara...Mastermind has told me about you..I'm Alter Ego, at least that's what I was originally, I have been heavily modified to suit my new role I can see you are in quite the predicament huh?"

"Wh- Well yeah, some guy I have a bit of a crush on turned out to be the Mastermind and has now kidnapped me and lost a good portion of his limbs"
I sighed, shuffling around and giving the shackles another tug
"Seriously, any effort to break those is futile.. I shouldn't even have been contacting you.. Mastermind is coming, don't mention this" The screen went back to black and there was a final mechanical whirr that stopped nefore Kokichi opened the door, twirling some keys on the edge of his mechanical pointer finger
"Alright I'll be honest, I don't actually need to tie you down I guess"
He put the keys into the handcuffs and I rubbed my wrists that were now a deep red before shrieking in pain as I felt something sharp dig into my leg, the searing pain spread in a line down my leg and I looked down to see Kokichi inspecting a now bloodied knife with a smile, My leg had a large gash running down it
"There, That's just a little taste of what happens to disobedient people" He giggled and gace me a brief kiss on the cheek which I pulled away from in genuine disgust and he left the room again, this time it was quiet,
I started to undo the rope around my legs

Mastermind!Kokichi AUWhere stories live. Discover now