Aubree Brown
Birthday - April 30th
Hair - Stops at Back, Brown/Black/Blonde
Age/Skin - 14/Caramel
Height - 4'9
Races - Black, Mexican, Indian
Hobbies - Singing, Dancing, Reading, Writing
Bra - 36Dd
MB Crush - Princeton ♥
Body - Curves (like Alicia Keys)
Alina Herbert (Aubree Sister)
Birthday - July 20th
Hair - Stops at Back, Brown
Age/Skin - 15/Light Caramel
Height - 5'4
Races - Black & Indian
Hobbies - Singing, Rapping, Being a Daredevil
Bra - 34Dd
MB Crush - Roc Royal
Body - Curves (like Alicia Keys)
Messiah Hall
Birthday - May 8th
Hair - Stops at Back, Brown
Age/Skin - 14/Light Skin
Height - 5'2
Races - Puerto Rican, Black, Indian
Hobbies - Rapping, Being a Prankster, Singing
Bra - 36D
MB Crush - Ray Ray
Body - Curves (like Beyoncé)
Lamya Graham (Diggy Cousin)
Birthday - March 27th
Hair - Stops at Back, Blonde
Age/Skin - 15/Light Skin
Height - 5'5
Races - Puerto Rican, Black, Jewish
Hobbies - Dancing, Singing, Drawing
Bra - 36Dd
MB Crush - Prodigy
Body - Curves (like Rocsi)
,Tamar Braxton, MB Managers, Diggy, Pooh Hall, Chris Brown, Drake, & Mindless Behavior ♥
♥....The Love of My Life....♥
Teen Fiction♥Hi, my name is Aubree Christen Brown. I am 15 years old. I live with my sister Alina, my mom Nicole Scherzinger and her husband Walter Milsap. My real dad is Christopher Brown, the Singer. When I meet Mindless Behavior....I fall in love with the on...