Cнα⅊тɛʀ 19 (edited)

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Warning: Sexual assault in this chapter.

Nora's P.O.V

“Please be a little more careful next time, Miss Nora. I don’t want to have to repeat this situation.”

Those words followed by the slow absence of warmth wrapped around my body had me snapping out of the daze Elijah had trapped upon me. I managed to step back as casually as possible whilst coughing dramatically and repositioning my clothes. They had shifted and become slightly dirty what with the tarmac and grass rubbing off them.

At that Elijah looked tantalizingly difficult to figure out. His eyes trailed after my movements. When my hands smoothed the shirt across my stomach, he watched with clenched fists and when my hands swept over my chest to get rid of the dirt, he analysed studiously how my fingers caressed the material I wore. His intense view was making me hot and bothered.

The attendants and Fredrik were still milling around until Elijah glared at each and every one of them before they got the gist and started to move towards the jet. The boss and I stayed in the same spot to give ourselves a little privacy.

“Ah, thank you for saving me earlier. I appreciate it”, I let him know looking away from his tall figure towering over me to stare at the landing strip in awe.

“Yes, well I don’t understand why you’re so clumsy all the time”, he replied miffed at that fact. He seemed to lose himself in thought whilst he stood there with a straight posture, but that comment had made my face fall into one of pure un-amusement. ‘How rude’, I thought, crossing my arms, and taking another step away from him.

I had to admit though, Elijah looked hot. He’d dressed casually as well with a tight black V-neck t-shirt that tightly encased his muscles alongside denim jeans that hung low on his hips and some black trainers that added to his ensemble. It was completely foreign to me to see him dressed like this, but I wasn’t going to complain, ‘God he was attractive and even though I hate him I can’t deny his rugged looks.’ His hair was messily placed but he made it even messier when he ran his fingers through it giving it a wild sexy appearance. He took out a pair of sunglasses from his back pocket of his jeans before he placed them onto his nose. He was trying to hide his wandering eyes over my body but the movement he’d made when he grabbed the sunglasses made me lose all control. I couldn’t help but stare at him.

“I’m not clumsy, someone just planned this mansion and path badly”, I tried to come up with an excuse, but it didn’t work because Elijah simply raised his eyebrow and looked at me sceptically.

“That someone would be me. You’re on my property, and I have planned everything here to perfection”, he retorted. Now it was my turn to raise my eyebrow because his reaction didn’t seem cool and casual like he always behaved, today I could tell he was stressed. He was tensed and his shoulders were stiff, I wanted nothing more than to knead my knuckles into the tight spots of his back and ease his shoulders into relaxation. That thought was ridiculous though.

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