banri settsu • i'm fine (1/2)

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from where reader notices banri settsu's different demeanour from his usual one
Walking home together wasn't new between the two of you, you didn't have to tell one another to catch-up. Because one of you will just wait until the other is done packing.

"Okay what's up, what's wrong with you?
You know you don't have to bottle things up right..?" you said while stopping.

Banri also stops and sneers "What are you talking about? I've always been fine" while continuing walking towards home.

You stopped him by grabbing his arm ".. you don't have to lie to me you know- not to be creepy but I've been observing you for a while now".

"Tch. I have no idea what you're talking about, AND WHAT'S WITH YOU OBSERVING ME?!.. don't tell me you're becoming a psycho stalker #2?" a teasing smile raising on his face.

Turning red from embarrassment you said "YEAH RIGHT, I'M NOT BECOMING ONE BECAUSE OF Y-YOU,, NEO GANGSTER-LOOKING M-".

"what did you just call me?" he asked while raising a brow "Nothing geez, and stop steering the topic away... I'm just worried about you y'know.." whispering the last words so he doesn't hear.

But of course banri being banri heard the whole thing and he was near you so- he smiles while patting your head and messing up with your hair.

"WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING DAMMIT-" you said "I'm patting your head stupid, what do ya think?" blushing at this you just turn your head and continued walking.

"...about the 'what's wrong' with me, you don't have to worry about that for now. I'll tell you when we get home" he says while leaving you behind.

You started to catch up almost immediately, damn him and his long legs- "you promise?" asking him while hooking your arm with him and hitting him softly.

Rolling his eyes while lazily smirking "yeah, yeah knowing you I know you won't give up on pestering me. Now come on let's go home before the director gets worried along with Sakyo-san who's probably planning to kill me when we get home".

<< ..•°*.'°.•.*.  TO BE CONTINUED  ..•°*.'°.•.*.>>


kddkkdd so that happened 👀 thank you for reading my first published chapter aaaa
as you can tell I'm not really good at this but is trying hhhhh I hope you enjoyed!
Oh and also, in this chapter¿ the reader is sakyo's sibling or someone important hehe
See you on the next one!

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