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This was an upcoming destruction that was clearly invaded, both parties inviting themselves in such a dual, quick march, wait...-hiding this intense capacity they've done acquired to push through.

"Izuna, this way." His brother, Madara directed Izuna's head forward, the fingers on him slightly scratching the flesh of his cheeks. With a flinch; his eyes gently glanced, fingers clenched in, as he watched the Senju battle his brother in a match.

The unremarkable stance Hashirama had his brother in, desire to dual him as well, but the Uchiha brothers' hiding in the bush, cloaking their chakra so they wouldn't get caught by the Senju brothers'.

That flesh, that hair, all that complexion of skin just making him ooze from the inside. What a beautiful being he thought, he couldn't wait to get his hands on him.

Ooh, what a powerful aura he had wrapped around him, slightly his tongue flung across his upper lip.


How could he get that beautiful human to fall in love with him. The Uchiha clan had such a ugly history behind them, once they fell in love, they had this kill-switch built inside of them, to demolish their significant other to activate their eyes...-of course, just to level up.

Thou, he didn't want to get to close to this being to have second guesses on killing this simpleton just to have a beautiful, lustful desire to equip on his strength and power.

"Izuna. Watch." His brother whispered.

Oh. Izuna was surely watching the eldest Senju. Obviously not his entitled younger brother, had such a nasty, ugly uptight attitude meanwhile his brother, Hashirama had this encouraging vibe on him.

He wanted him all to his own.

But how could he get his hands on him?

That was the ultimate question.

This was a tough call, with his eldest brother all over his shoulders, the limit to have his own hands on the brunette, with these intentions he had on his mind.

This would be a impossible mission for Izuna.

Hashirama swung hand signs without being noticed. With his brother trying to judge by the hands; he wasn't aware of these movements, his vision temporarily paralyzed momentarily.

Without second guessing; his body immediately crushed to the ground, a slight 'oof' pursing through his lips. This was an ultimate humiliation of this pursuit, slowly he turned over to his side to get up. Wooden logs over his lower half, thrashing his entirety to the floor, and continued to puncture the next ground under, below the earth.

"Had you had enough?" The brunette muttered, moving towards the albino, glaring down at him with a small smile moving across his lips.

With this, Tobirama weaves hand signs, the water began to surround his frame. The gesture slaughtering the wood over his lower half, leading to the end of climax, and busted the wood in halves.

Tobirama's body levitated from the ground, victorious alas, his toes hovered over the ground again.

The eldest smiled, "oh you thought that was all in this session?" He chuckled lowly but before anything happened. They both heard the bushes crinkled in the wind, the brunette alert, as he got into his fighting stance with his hands ready to weave hand signs.

"Who's there?" Tobirama uttered. He was in the same stance.

Madara uncloaked, sliding himself across the grass, with his eyebrows arched. "We don't mean no harm, we were just having a jog, that's all? No?" As he grasped the collar of Izuna's shirt, forcing himself to be seen. "Sure." The youngest Uchiha spoke lowly, only to agree with this argument.

"Oh. Just you." Tobirama growled.

"You act so tough as if I couldn't kill you right now, Senju." Madara growled back.

"Enough." Hashirama interfered between the both of them.

"Go on, play in these flames, we show no mercy..." Izuna muttered under his breath, gently a crooked smile appeared over his lips.

This was it. To finally overcome his eldest brother, to reveal who's powerful, without fear he shall take this chance and crush Hashirama into pieces.

These words caught Hashirama's attention, slightly glancing at the youngest. He wasn't sure what Izuna's intentions were but they all had the same mathematical...-sociopathic behavior. This mannerism was manifestation, destructive behavior had it all...-on two feet. He hoped he could change them all because fighting all of the time wouldn't brighten their future ahead of them.

Simply Hashirama ignored his statement and persisted a nod. This was what the Uchiha were built to do, he would fight them until one of them wanted to change so the one could change the rest of their dull and pitiful habits.

"As you wish." He dispersed from the midst, Izuna sparked amazement in his eyes; his gut bloated, this attention he desired, as he weaved hand signs.

Hashirama reappeared, taking the katana from his pouch, threatening this weaponry near to his vitals against Izuna's neck.

This was thee moment; Izuna's prowess flared, triggering the Sharingan, incomplete transformation, unbearable risk taking situation, churning to the right and forged his hand with a kunai up to Hashirama's jugular area.

"Surprise me..." the Uchiha slashed the first layer of Hashirama's flesh, disappearing in the air and reappeared a yard away from him.

Madara raises his brows but realized this couldn't be the moment Izuna would flee from his life as he quickly darted towards his younger brother. "Enough of this." He muttered.

Hashirama confusedly looked over, as his freehand slid the droplets of blood that he was slashed. This was weird, even Madara couldn't get a good hit on him.

Was Madara upset?

Tobirama could give a nod. Surely it was a fight between his brother and his own blood. He wouldn't interfere if he wanted too.

"We are done here. I didn't insist on fighting any of you today." He spat.

"Um? We're leaving too soon...I didn't get to finish him off." Izuna growled at his brother. This was his time to shine...-not to be shutdown. Which Izuna had allude Madara he was indeed malcontent.

"We are leaving..." the two of them disseminated.

The Uchiha's arrived at their destination, rousing passed the gates of the Uchiha clan.

"I didn't even get to unbar my real power, you know that's low, Nii-san." The raven sighed slightly, placing his hands into his pockets and kept a low profile. This scintilla to feel the male, that was his only inclination he wanted to respire the Senju's ambience.

Next time he'll get the Senju alas, solely, and tattered. That was his goal.

"I don't care, you aren't going to reveal your strength in front of those bastards. You wouldn't been able to surpass him. Hashirama could conquer you with a swift kick and you are done." Madara endeavored to talk him out of it. But honestly he could never get his own hands on him, which had amazed him, and made him inflamed as well.

Izuna pulled his hands from his pockets and then rubbed his temples in frustration. "I don't understand because I literally got in his circle and cut him. But okay." He mumbled.

As they ushered into the village, slowly maundering home. Madara closed the door behind them, ignoring what he had to say. Must've been a coincidence that Hashirama didn't want to hurt Izuna but in the same breath he didn't think too much about it.

Izuna felt Madara's frustration; knowingly he was angry, shaking off the feeling and went to his bedroom. He looped his way to his bed, pulling his shirt off and laid there tiredly.

Although he was thinking a lot about it but he was going to have that Senju all to himself. He wasn't too sure how he was but he knew he had that brunette all to him just by that slash. He tirelessly placed his arms over his stomach and then sleeplessly passed out.


[So this is different because two characters I've never imagined would get it❣️ but this story is just a rise.
Love ya babes 💝]

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