Winter's dream.

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                                             Winter's dream.

Okay here I am. Oi! Libby stop doing that! No! Get off now! ARGHHHHH! Seriously. Do you want me to call mum on you? Go away Libby!

Now, where was I? My name's Maddy. Not Mad, not Ma, just Maddy. I hate it when people just take the piss out of my name. Anywayy, as you know, I have a very annoying stupid arrogant sister who annoys me 24/7 because she has nothing else to do. I mean, why can't she just play with her nursery friends. Does she even have any? Ooh what else, what else?

My family

Now i'm dreading this part. Even in school when Mr.Hughes asks us to do one paragraph about our family I just put my head down straight on the desk. How horrible. Like what is there to write about my family? Oh, I know! Bossy,embarrassing parents who would do ANYTHING to humiliate you. My parents are called Kristen and Stewart. They sound pretty normal ,right? Well no. You have it completely wrong.  VERY wrong. Let me give you an example : When i'm with my friends, they always dress in these ridiculous clothes that just makes your face crack up. I'm absolutely mortified. Every single fricking day. And that's not all. They even force me to go lingerie shopping since Libby's only 5 years old. And I'm what, sixteen? Urgh..

But one thing I am proud of. My boyfriend. Ahhhh. He ticks all my boxes.

- Looks ,CHECK.


-Sixpack and tanned, CHECK.

-Fit and strong, CHECK.

-Sexy clothing,HELL CHECK.

-Tall and happy,CHECK.

Oh yeah by the way, his name is Dave. A.K.A Dave the six pack.

Well he ticks nearly everything. But only one thing. How do i put this without feeling uncomfortable. We've been going out for 2 years and.. the thing is.. we've never kissed before. There. Out with it and into the open. I mean,trust me, i've used all the techniques i've learnt. I even had to ask my mother for advice. But all she says is : "Darling, all you need to do is just snog him." How hard is that? VERY hard. 

What should i do?

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