Untitled Part 1

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A/N: I do not own HunterxHunter or it's characters. Image is not mine. Sorry if Feitan is ooc... This is my first published fanfiction, so I'm open to constructive criticism, but please be gentle because I do cry

Warnings: Sexual Content

Feitan sighed as he slammed the door to his hotel room shut. Chrollo had sent him on an extended solo mission, making use of his infiltration skills. It had been a long day of false pretenses, playing the role of a wealthy businessman with ties to the mafia. He flopped ungracefully onto the bed and pulled out his phone. He quickly sent Chrollo an update of how the mission was progressing. He was about to lock his phone and put it away, but his screensaver gave him pause.

It was his sweet (y/n), kissing him on the cheek. He loved this picture of the two of them, not just because her beautiful face was in it, but for his expression. It wasn't his usual scowl and scrutinizing glare. Instead, his eyes were widened in surprise, and his lips we parted ever so slightly into a gasp. He remembered this moment very clearly. It was the day that he realized his twisted and dark heart had been stolen, and for once in his life, he couldn't bear to steal something of his back.

His lips curled slightly upwards as he recalled their last night together. The way he kissed her soft skin, her (size) breasts bouncing in time with his thrusts, and her hands in his hair. Her sultry moans and his guttural grunting calling out to one another in harmony, the way her silky smooth walls clenched around his-- "Shit."

Feitan was brought out of his reverie by a painful tightening in his groin. 'Only been a few weeks without her and I'm already losing control.' He chided bitterly to himself. He had to take care of this quickly. It was already very early in the morning, and his people skills did not operate well when he was tired.

He swiftly undressed and rummaged around in his bag, glad in this moment that he had brought a failsafe with him. The rucksack was filled with weapons and a book with notes he had taken so far on this mission, however he bypassed them, reaching for the hidden pocket. Opening it, he pulled out the pair of (f/c) panties that had been spritzed with (y/n)'s perfume. At the time he'd put them in his bag, he had thought it was a little creepy (they'd never been separated for this long, as they made a great team in combat). Now, he was happy he'd done it, though he hadn't thought he'd need to make use of them this soon. Holding the soft clothing to his face, he took a deep breath in of the calming fragrance, the buzzing of his thoughts clearing.

However, as his mind became less chaotic, he realized in exasperation that the uncomfortable tightness had grown into a deep, throbbing need. He bit his bottom lip, hesitating. He had not been one to practice self pleasure often before meeting (y/n), and as far as he was concerned, his cock belonged to her as much as it was his. Somehow, it felt strange to be so aroused without her near him. He felt a pang in his heart as he thought of her smiling face. But, this problem was his alone now, so he closed his eyes and imagined all of the things he adored about the love of his life.

He pictured her naked self kneeling before him, gently holding his wrist to guide him. His hands seemed to move on their own accord, the hand holding the panties fisting the cloth around his engorged length. The other ran itself up and down his abdomen, brushing the skin the way she always did. He hissed through his teeth as the smooth fabric jerked up and down, creating friction that sent tingles down his legs and to his toes. The other hand moved to his thighs, the fingers spread out to cover as much skin as possible. He briefly mused that he did the same thing when feeling her skin.

After a minute or so, it dawned on him with no small amount of frustration that he had reached the edge, but couldn't seem to jump off. He realized that it was the soft crooning of her voice that carried him to ecstasy. So, he conjured her voice in his mind.

"Oh Fei... I'm so close! I want to cum with you! (gasp) Let go on the count of three.... One.."

His hand moved faster.

"Two..." His breath could only come on short, hard gasps. His free hand ran through his raven tresses, mimicking her normal actions when she was close to cumming.

"Three!" The knot in his stomach unraveled. His toes curled, his lips fell open to release a groan. At the same time, he threw his head backward, and his hips snapped upward in a powerful thrust. He came in three short bursts, his cum puddling on his navel.

"(Y/n)... I'll be back with you soon." He whispered tenderly into the empty room. He fetched a towel, cleaning himself off, before crawling under the sheets. He looked at his phone, noticing the ungodly hour. 'If only that damn meeting hadn't run so late. I could've called her and gotten off quicker.' Feitan thought in annoyance as he gazed at the picture. He smirked to himself. 'She hates being woken up. If I'd bothered her, I'd have never heard the end of it.' He powered down his phone and sighed tiredly. 'Miss you..(y/n)...' His train of thought ending as his eyes fluttered closed. He fell into a deep sleep, and dreamt of his love.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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