Can't Bring Back What's Gone.

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Death, animal violence (SO SORRY!!!), and psychopathy.

I'm Denki Kaminari. My story starts when- actually, for as long as I could remember, I was like this. Some people call me selfish. Some say I'm rude. They only say that because they don't really understand.


Denki was on his way home from first grade. He saw that his Dad's car wasn't parked in the driveway. He doesn't really know what happened to his Mom. He was a very independent child. He could walk himself home from pre-school without some parent escort. He always questioned why the other kids needed someone with them ALL the time.

Denki walked through the door and looked around, just in case. He was also a very cautious seven-year-old. Once he saw that the coast was clear, he made his way up the wooden stairs. He walked up to his Dad's door. He stepped in and immediately smelt the harsh scent of the cigarettes his Dad would smoke throughout the day.

He then grabbed the handle of his Dads bathroom door. He went up to the cabinet and opened it. Instantly, a psychotic smile plastered his face. Chemicals. Not completely sure why his father had them, he grabbed a couple and started walking to his room.

He set them down on his table and sat down in front of it. He mixed the sulfur trioxide and water creating sulfur dioxide. He rushed back to his Dad's bathroom and put the chemicals back, leaving the sulfur dioxide in his room.

"This will do." Kaminari said in a monotone voice. He ran back down the stairs, the deadly chemical in hand. He saw his bunny. (IM SO SORRY!!!) He opened it's cage and picked up its water bowl. With one hand holding the chemical and one holding the bowl, he poured it in the bowl. He set it down back in the cage.

He watched as the bunny waddled over to the bowl and sniffed it. It being an idiot, it started to drink from it. Its face started to mangle with fear. It began squealing. While that was happening, Denki started to laugh maniacally.

The bunny fell to the floor of its cage, face still resembling the pain it had previously experienced. This only made Denki laugh harder. He had no idea why he was like that. Chemistry had always seemed to amuse him. Death, even more.

He heard his dad pull into the driveway and placed his bunny's corpse back in the cage. He waited for his Dad to step inside, and then forced himself to cry. His Dad stepped in. "What's wrong?" His father said with concern. Denki then made himself sob. "I - its m-m- Matchi... S-shes n-not w-waking u-up!" Denki said with fake tears streaming down his face.

His Dad looked at the cage. There lie Matchi, Denki's bunny. I didn't look like she was breathing so Denki's Father said something. "She's in a better place now." Denki then forced himself onto the floor, beginning to "cry" harder.

Authors note


I wanted to put a scene in where Denki killed something and it was what I thought of first.

RIP Matchi. The Fanfiction lords will watch over your soul.

Ok, ill see ya!

Peace out!

(541 words)

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