War.............have you ever thought of war...............Well i have thought of the remainings of war but not war. Well time for my intro, my name is Jake Franco and i'm Australian.I have been selected to come to Malaysia to find the remaining of war.
So i came to Malaysia and i started with the state Perak which is filled with heritage.I particularly started with a school called Main Convent.It is older than my grandmother and i thought it would have be a great place to start with and it was.The school doors are very old and brings back time to the Japan Occuppation of Tanah Melayu.I found that this school were once used by mothers and sisters and i've also heard rumours that the school has a tunnel that connects to SMI (St. Michael Institution).It function as a medical emergency tunnel from MC to SMI cause SMI was a medical centre for soldiers who have suffered casualty and death.So, i searched for the tunnel and there were no signs of the tunnel.
I went to SMI on the following day and there were also no signs of the tunnel.I asked teachers and student and they said that they heard of these rumours but none were true.But a student said that the tunnel was sealed in a room in MC and the SMI opening were long lost.So i went on tapping on every corner of wall on MC and i noticed that there was a door that was sealed with cement.
SO I THOUGHT TO MY SELF..............why is this door sealed???for a good or bad reason................or maybe sealed for paranormal reasons.........
Shaun Lim......Fiction