Chapter 7-Calum

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Calum and I sat outside underneath the canopy as it started to rain a bit heavier. Luckily my parents were asleep and didn't know I was out here.

"So, why the late night visit ?" I asked. "I thought you'd be hunting by now."

"I wasn't really hungry and I guess I just had this urge to check on you." Calum said, I turned my face to try and hide my blush.

"You know I consider you a friend after what you did for me earlier. We can hang out, my parents don't even know you're a Werewolf." I said, Calum half smiled and looked down at his hands.

His hair was partially damp due to the rain and his shirt was tight on his skin, leaving a outline of his toned body. I quickly looked away realizing how I must look.

"You're right. We just got to be careful." Calum smiled. "Do you want to do something now ?"

I gave him a incredulous look, only a Werewolf would want to hang in the dark and rain.

"It's raining out and I thought you said I shouldn't go out at night because it's dangerous." I sassed.

Calum chuckled before composing himself.

"You'll be with me, so nothing to worry about. what do you say ?" He asked, there was something different about him.

It was like a blind had opened and he was letting me in to the recesses of his mind. Cause before all it seemed he wanted to do was be rid of me.

"Sure but we have to be back by 5 am." I said, he smiled and held out his hand for me to take.

I laughed as I took his hand and we ran. It was actually quite nice running in the rain at night, beside the fact I heard the occasional howl in the distance.

After a short run, Calum slowed down as we got to a small cove. The opening was wide enough for us to go through as he pulled me inside.

The inside was surprisingly warm and my clothes seem to dry off quite fast. In the corner was blankets and a pillow. Did he live here ?

"What is this place ?" I asked.

"It's a place I like to go to when I don't want to be bothered. In other words, my man cave." Calum said, I laughed at the fact his man cave was an actual cave.

I took a glance around seeing numerous carvings in the cave walls. Some of figures with sticks and wolves cowering away. Others where the wolves attacked the figures.

"Those have been here since I found the cave." Calum said. "Really depicts what our relationships are with the hunters."

I ran my fingers over the carved wolves in the wall and had a flash of some image. The werewolves were all surrounding something and the hunters were holding bows and arrows ready to shoot them. I could hear screaming before they shot a arrow at one of the wolves.


I snapped out of whatever that vision was to see Calum looking at me with worry.

"You alright ?" He asked. "Lost you there for a moment."

I smiled and nodded my head, I didn't really want to explain whatever I just saw. Could it be real ? Or was I just overwhelmed like I always was around him ?

"Come on." Calum said motioning for me to follow him towards the back of the cave.

I followed him and it lead us to a long cave hallway that lead into a small alluring pool of water, it was truly beautiful that nature could create natural pools like this.

"Beautiful isn't it ?" Calum asked, he stripped his shirt off and went to unbutton his jeans.

"What are you doing ?" I asked. "Why are you stripping ?"

Calum gave me a quizzical look like I had just asked the dumbest question.

"Well I'm not going to swim in my clothes." Calum stated, removing his socks and shoes. "You gonna swim in your's ?"

My cheeks flushed at the fact he was half naked  right in front of me. I mean I know I saw him like this before at Echo lake but this time i wasn't shaking from a wolf attack.

"You want me to swim in there ?" I asked meekly. "How deep is it ?"

Calum walked up to me, his height towering over my small frame.

"Are you afraid ?" He asked, I quickly shook my head.

"No, I just didn't bring a swim suit." I said simply.

"I'm sure your bra and panties will be fine." Calum said. "I promise you will be safe in the water if that's what you're afraid of."

I was no chicken. So I decided to throw all common sense out and stripped in front of a boy I had just met. I was glad I had wore nice ones, not that I was trying to impress him or anything.

Calum held out his hand and I reluctantly took it as he led me towards the water. He got in first and slowly helped me in. The water was really warm surprisingly.

His arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him. I placed my hands on his chest, our eyes meet and I'm once again lost in them. I blush and turn my head down.

"Hey." Calum says, I slowly look up, his eyes were dancing with mischief. "You don't need to be shy around me. I don't bite."

I laughed and slapped his shoulder.

"Did you really have to make a Werewolf pun ?" I asked as I tried to hold in my chuckle.

He started pulling more towards the deeper end of the pool, I wrapped my arms around his neck as I lost my footing. I knew I should've learned how to swim.

"What's wrong ? Can't swim ?" Calum chuckled and I gave him a shy smile.

"You never learned how to swim ?" He asked, I shook my head. "Well I think it's time you learn."

He motioned for me to float onto my back, his hands supporting my back. The water surrounding most of my body beside my face.

"How is floating on my back gonna help ?" I asked.

"If you can float on your back without any support, then it will help with your balance when you're actually swimming." He said.

I noticed I didn't feel his hands under me anymore and I was still floating. I started to attempt to do some back strokes and found it wasn't as hard as I thought.

"See ?" Calum said. "You're a natural already."

I swam back towards him and splashed him with water. Then we ended up splashing each other back for a solid 15 minutes.

"I think I should get back home, I can hear birds." I said sadly.

"I'll walk you back." He said and we got out of the water.

We slipped on our clothes and headed back towards my place. It had stopped raining and the sky was beginning to clear. Soon we reached my place and I was honestly sad to go.

"Thanks for the fun night." I said. "It's honestly been the best time I had in a while."

Calum smiled sheepishly, awww he looked so cute.

"You're welcome." He said as he cleared his throat.

I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before heading to my door.

"See you later." I said and as I shut the door I could see his face was very flushed.

GrayWolf Falls- Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now