It was morning and Ellie got a call from the hospital and they said zak is up and about so he can go home.
I called Billy ringing.
Billy hi
Ellie hi Billy zak can come home today he is up and about
Billy said who is going to pick him up
Ellie said I can and I take him home
Billy said yh sure give me a texts when ur at his so I can take Lucy home and the guys will come over for a bit.
Ellie yh sure I will pick him up at 10.00am
Billy said OK that fine that will give me time to sure Lucy Out.
Ellie OK i will let you go see you soon.
Billy yh OK bye.
Aaron was a wake Billy said up get ready zak is coming home today just don't tell Lucy it will be a big surprise.
Jay woke up and he was dressed i walked downstairs and Jay said what is happening today Aaron said in a quite voice and he said zak is coming home today just don't tell Lucy.
That will be good to see her daddy up and about again.
They heard a bang on the floor and they all know she awake she walked downstairs holding on to the raining on the side of the stairs.
She was on the last two steps and Aaron picked her up and she was happy.
Aaron got her dressed and she was jumping and she was all done and she said garden then Jay said no stay in please. And Billy put on pepper pig for her.
While later it was time to pick up zak I walked in and the nuce said to zak you can't do heavy lifting and you will need a person to help you with stuff.
Zak said can I pick up my daughter they said yes but be careful just in case you might open you back again.
Zak Bagans adopted a girl child
AventuraHi my book,is,called Zak bagans adopted a child when her neighbour takes,her in for a,day then her neighbour drops her of at children home.