12. Agree Or Agree (Revised)

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With the kitten fast asleep on my lap, I hum a melody my mother would sing to be to me every night before I went to bed. The kitten purrs softly while nuzzling itself into my hand as I stroke its fur lightly. I've never been so in love with an animal in all my life and have become very protective of the little kitten. It seems to trust me as well. A knock at my cabin door causes me to snap out of my thinking. The kitten jumps down from my lap and crawls underneath the bed. I giggle softly before walking over to the door. Opening it slightly, the friendly face of Mister Joe is revealed on the other side.

"Good evening," I smile pleasantly. "How can I help you?"

"Good evenin', Miss Kate. I have a special delivery from the Captain," he remarks while holding out to me what appears to be folded, red material. "He hopes you'll find it acceptable to wear."

"Of course he does," I mumble while accepting the material from Mister Joe. "What's this for?"

"Captain Wolfe wants, I mean requires, that you wear it to dinner tonight."

I stare at him with a confused look. "I wonder what the occasion is."

Mister Joe shrugs. "If I knew, I'd tell you."

"Thank you, Mister Joe."

Mister Joe nods his head to me before turning and walking down the hallway. I listen as the stairs creak with each step he takes while descending up to the deck above. Shutting the door, the kitten crawls out cautiously from beneath the bed and climbs on top of it, rolling around in the covers. I unfold the material which turns into a beautiful red silk gown. A gasp escapes my lips as I take in how beautiful it is. The silk feels as though I am holding clouds within my hands.

"Isn't it lovely?" I show the kitten. "It's just like the ones I had back home!"

Unable to hold in my excitement, I slip on the gown and feel as though it was made just for me. It hugs every part of my body perfectly. The gown is full length with a boot cut bottom and a  decollete top. Holding the dress in front of my body, I spin around while remembering and pretending to be at a ball. The kitten paws at the dress playfully. Setting down the dress, I pick up the purring kitten and cuddle him in my arms.

"I suppose one dinner might not be all that bad. Perhaps the plan will finally be revealed to me!"

Though I'll feel like a princess, deep inside I know something fishy is going on. Why would the Captain give me a beautiful dress to wear to dinner, more importantly, a dinner with Captain Marco?

The sun was finally starting to set, casting a beautiful array of colors in the sky. I stand on the deck and rest my arms against the railing. My eyes gaze at the natural beauty of the sky. Deciding it's time to make my way into the grand dining hall, I open the door to see both the men stand at my arrival. This situation is becoming very odd indeed. My eyebrow cocks itself up in confusion as the door closes itself behind me.

"Don't you clean up nicely," Captain Marco states with a pearly grin, his eyes grazing over me.

"Indeed she does..." Captain Wolfe trails off, his eyes wide, almost in shock. "I'm glad you liked it."

Walking over to the large dining table, I am seated in the middle on the opposite side of which the two men are sitting. They both stare at me as I sit down. Feeling uncomfortable, I place my napkin upon my lap and smooth it out, not wanting to meet their eyes.

"Now, I believe we have some business to discuss..." Captain Marco says, taking a drink out of his mug.

"I believe we do," I reply softly, taking a roll off the golden platter. "Some explaining needs to be done."

"Here's the plan," Captain Wolfe begins, leaning slightly in towards me from across the table, "we need you to... romance the prince of England. Once you've done that, you will get us into the palace and show us where they keep their treasures. After we take what we want, you will then go with Captain Marco and he will take you home where your family will pay for your safe return. I get the gold and jewels from England, and Captain Marco gets you and the money for your safe return. That is the secretive plan."

I blink quickly at the two men as they await my response. "W-What do you mean he gets me---" I start but am cut off by Captain Marco.

"It's a simple plan, but it will take time and precise planning," Captain Marco adds, ignoring my previous words. 
My heart beats rapidly inside my chest as I take a drink from my glass, cringing slightly at the taste. "You need me in order to steal from the crown of England?"

They nod.

"Do you understand completely?" Questions Captain Wolfe as he stares into my eyes from across the table. "Do you agree?"

"Of course she agrees," Captain Marco chimes in. "She doesn't have a choice."

"I... understand," I answer quietly. "But I don't agree."

"You have no choice but to agree," states Captain Wolfe with a dangerous look reflected in his eyes.

"I do not agree to this," this time I shout at him. "I won't do it."

"You never wish to see your family again?" Captain Marco asks with a smug smirk upon his face. "What a shame, I guess you'll just have to spend the rest of your days with me."

"I want to see them more than anything, but I will not go home a criminal,"  I answer, standing from my chair, nearly knocking it over. "Leave me out of this."

"Would you sit back down," Captain Wolfe states before taking a sip from his mug. I cross my arms and stare down at him. "I will not as again."

"No, I will not. This conversation and dinner is over. I will not be apart of your piracy."

With that, I curtsy and make my way towards the door. Captain Marco now stands up, knocking his chair to the floor with a thud. "You will be apart of the plan, and you'll do what we order you to!"

"Captain Marco, I think she understands," Captain Wolfe speaks fiercely.

I turn around towards them once more with the flame of anger blazing in my eyes. "Over my dead body!" I yell while flinging the door open.

"That can be arranged!" Shouts Captain Marco in response.

I look to Captain Wolfe who gives me a nod as though to leave before anything else slips out of my mouth. Walking out onto the deck, I slam the door after me and walk towards the front of the ship. Silent tears stream down my face as the once vibrant sunset has almost completely disappeared into darkness. Running down the stairs, I fling open my cabin door and notice that I've scared the life out of James. My head hits the pillow without me even changing out of the dress, and James curls himself upon my stomach.

What have I gotten myself into?

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