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*15 years ago*

"Papa!" A little girl screamed as she got out from her hiding spot under the bed. She watched as the towering burly man jab a sharp looking knife into her dad's stomach making him cough up blood.

Terror filled her small body as her once happy and lively father looked back at her with an emotion of despair. His knees buckled and he fell to the wooden floors with a loud thump making the man who was responsible let out a raucous laugh.

Two muscular scary looking men held her back as she watch her dad bleed out next to her mother. Blood stained her mom's once blonde hair and the night dress she had worn were teared up into shreds.

The way those men had manhandled her mother was remorseless. They had raped her brutally before her dad arrived only to kill her in front of him.

The small girl remembered her mother's pain filled cries as the men forcefully pushed onto her. Her mom had turned to face her and the fear in those eyes that was identical to hers had left her little body shivering under the small bed she was hiding.

After they had successfully made her mom feel worthless and weak they had shot her three times in her chest killing her on the spot. The little girl had stifled a cry as she watched her loving mother take her last breath and listened to the crying of her father.

A slight groan left her father's lips removing her from her haunting thoughts. She watched as he lift up his head to stare at her in remorse.

Her gut twisted uncomfortably as she watched his parted lips mouth out I love you. She could only let out a loud wail as the man who stabbed him pull out a gun and aimed for his head. With one nasty smirk he pulled the trigger successfully murdering her father. She tried running to his side but two men held her back.

"Papa!" She wailed and struggled to break free from the hard grip the scary men held her in, the same two men who she had watched rape her mom.

( shut that bitch up!)
"Zitta quella cagna!" The man who killed her dad roared. He turned towards the little girl, his face blaring with hatred as he sneered at her. Her heart skipped as he came closer to stoop to her level.

She felt the vicious pull on her black tresses and suck in a sharp breath when a dagger was placed on her neck. The man who held the blade was the same one who killed her father.

She glared at him in hatred and lift her head daringly to challenge him. Even though she was just five she knew what was happening, she wasn't dumb. Her doe eyes burned through her parents murder's eyes and she wished it was enough to kill him.

"Esuberante." the man laughed and drawed the dagger away from the defying girl. He was amused at her bravery , for a little girl barely reaching his thighs she really was fearless to stand up to a man with his size.

"Father." A boy muttered drawing the man's attention. Even at ten years old the boy was an impressive height. He stood still as he watched his father's movements, he was terrified for the little girl life ,he knew his dad was merciless.

(Father please leave the girl alone)
"Padre, per favore, lascia la ragazza sola." Little Ace whispered, he didn't like seeing innocent people dying at his father's hands.

His father would bring him along so he could watch, it was his way of showing his son how to be heartless so one day he could take over the mafia. The young boy was forced to endure watching innocent people being slaughtered.

The little girl's eyes snapped to the sound of the boy. She was startled to see his presence she hadn't noticed it until now. His tall form was coming out from the corner of the room where it had seem he was standing all along.

She peered at his face, he resemble his father a lot except his father had a long scar across his face and was more ruggish. The young boy gazed at her with guilt and looked away to stare at his vexed father.

( father please she is innocent )
"Padre, per favore, è innocente." The boy pleaded trying to make his father see reason.

His father stood up to his full height and matched towards his son. Gripping his hand and ruthlessly dragged the boy to stand before the girl.

" See son, does this little bitch look innocent to you? She's the spawn of those bastards who has always tried to lock us behind bars." The man growled near his son's ear and pinched his chin to force him to look at the young girl.

Before the boy could answer the sound of the police sirens could be heard near. One of the neighbors must've heard the sounds they were making. He let go of his son and nodded to the men that held her captive.

(Let the bitch go)
"Lascia andare la cagna." He snarled and turned around. The men snorted as they pushed the little girl to the floor and walked away. She crawled to reach her deceased parents and shook them in hopes of waking them up.

Her little cries were heard as the young boy watch her with hawk eyes. He was angry that he couldn't stop his father's brutality and now this young girl had to grow up without parents. With a sad sigh he walked away from the scene and followed his dad's two gang members.

The little girl lift up her head just in time to see the man turn back to give her a mocking smile before disappearing out the door they had barged into.

His blueish green eyes were engraved into her mind and she wouldn't stop at nothing to make him pay for what he had done to her parents. She wouldn't rest until he suffered under her bare hands.


*be warned that I'm using google translate for the Italian language so I have no idea if it's accurate. So if there's someone who's italian and they're reading this feel free to correct it.*

*story is unedited, so it has spelling and grammar errors*

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