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My name is Evangeline Hart and I am a part of an extraordinary family

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My name is Evangeline Hart and I am a part of an extraordinary family. My family is not like a family of average people. No, the family I belonged to was more like a family of hunters. My birth mother was killed by werewolves and my father remarried. He remarried to a woman who worked closely with him. Her name is Divine and with her came to her daughter Savannah. Fast forward to five years later my father is dead and I'm left in the care of Divine who now treats me like a slave. A lot has changed in five years, we no longer hunt werewolves without cause. Laws were passed to make sure of that. But the animosity between werewolves and hunters remained the same the laws just kept us in check. I was already awake and looking at the ceiling of my room when Divine began her drama, just like she did every morning

" EVA! "

Screamed Divine at the top of her lungs. Hearing her voice always fills me with dread. Rushing out of my cage of a room I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where I know she would be.

" Yes, Divine. "

I answer in a hushed whisper.

" Why isn't my breakfast ready? "

She asked her voice ice cold.

" I did make your breakfast stepmother, your daughter ate it all. "

I answered. That answer earns me a slap.

" Clearly you didn't make enough, if you had how then can she have eaten it all? "

She asked with a dangerous glint in her eye.

" I did. "

I whisper, but what I really wanted to say to her is that her pig of a daughter ate it all.

" Don't just stand there get cooking! "

She yelled.

" Yes, Divine."

I quickly moved around the kitchen getting what I needed to make scrambled eggs with toasted bread.

Fifteen minutes later.

I was done, Divine ate everything not bothering to leave anything for me. How I managed to stay alive all these years is because of my dear friend,


She has been someone I could rely on since I no longer had any living relatives that wanted me. They were more than happy to palm me off on my stepmother Divine. Who now treats me like a changed animal.

A Slave.

Katherine is the only one that treats me like a person she also lives in a big house nearby and she is not always in that house but she gave me a key to the house to get food whenever my stepmother was unkind and wanted me to starve.

Today is one of those days I made my way into the house using the key Katherine gave me. Not expecting anyone to be in the house I headed straight into the kitchen and helped myself to whatever I can lay my hands on. I took a bite of an apple and that's when I heard her voice.

The Hunter's Mate ( Book One of The Werewolves Series)Where stories live. Discover now