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How do you know when it's over?

When your love starts giving you the cold shoulder and having a conversation feels like moving boulders...

You start getting bolder and bolder in your insults, looking older and older as the stress takes it's toll and on your shoulders, you feel the weight of the world...

The world that was once perfect when you were together, the world that put your unhappiness though a shredder and blew away the pieces...

Now, the only things you want are the pieces of the relationship that gave you peace. Piece of mind could be shared without curses being blared and eyes being glared at each other...

The daggers become so sharp, when you look at each other, you can feel the blood drip...

The slow, painful death of your relationship, the life fading from your hearts as the love parts from your soul.

You both wish there had been some sort of scroll or prophecy that would have foretold of the coming disaster so that one could have prevented it.

But, there wasn't.

And it went through.

And now, it's gone,

They've left you.

And the only thing that is clear, it repeats through your head,

Is now, it's over. Your love is dead.

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