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Editors note: This story has overrated , bad language, and adult humor. If you don't like any of that I suggest you will scream at me so please don't i u i

Another thing, I'm Mick. I hope u enjoy , if u guys like this (which is rare) then i might do a fan x Morty and Rick 👍🏻. Enjoy

Mick's POV
It was a Monday morning, I had slept in until almost 8:00 A.M. I then didn't feel worried because I hated school. I was "popular" but not popular, in 8th grade, that's when stuff got interesting. Summer went to her job, Mom went to work and my dad did what ever he does. I got out of my bed, yawning. I was exhausted , I stayed up with my grandpa Rick all night, handing him tools. He just yelled at me all night but I really didn't mind. I walked towards my dresser, putting on a yellow turtle-neck , and blue jeans. I threw my shoes on and ran out of the door, I was forgetting something but I just couldn't quite think of what it was. I hurried down the street to my school, then it hit me like a rock " SHIT! THATS WHATS IT WAS, MY BACKPACK! " I cursed under my breath, but there was no time to go all the way back home. I walked into class and sat down, I didn't really care for grades , nor did I for getting in trouble. I slept the whole class , bored out of my mind. It was 2:37 P.M. I was getting ready to walk out the door when my teacher came up to me and started lecturing me about sleeping in school. I shrugged it off, I didn't have time to stress about school and get all depressed and all of that "juicy" stuff. Anyways after I walked out of the school, it was 4:24. I walked home, lost in my thoughts. When I opened the door , mom was looking at me like she was going to beat the heck out of me. I said " oh sh*t- " Mom threw all of the questions she could think of at me. All I said was "it was the teachers fault mom , he held me back and was speaking all of that nonsense and yada yada- " I held my hand up and I went upstairs. I collapsed on my bed staring at the roof. "I hate school. "

Mom's POV
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MICK!" She tried to calm herself down, breathing in and out. " what am I going to do with that girl...

Mick's POV
Well it was 2:13 A.M. Rick busted down the door, drunk asf obviously. I shot awake, the open door scared the hell out of me! I rubbed my eyes , mumbling.
Rick's POV
" Listennnerm- MicK we needz too go gettt soMmmeez - errrrpp- supplies cmon les go! " I grabbed her arm ,dragging her out of bed. I let go of her when I opened the garage door.

Mick's POV
I've been asleep for like.... I don't know 9 hours? I never sleep that much. " Rick it's too early " He turned at me and said " I -eererpp- needz those suppliez - eerrrp. " I rolled my eyes and got off the floor. I hopped into the car (ship) and waited for Rick to do the same.


Sorry it was short this week, I know not a lot of people are going to read this but I do know some people... SOMEONE will enjoy it right T-T? Anyways , if someone comments me to draw Mick. I can do ANY scene with Mick in it. I can do any drawing, u name it. If people actually start to read this I will start writing more and more often. Until then enjoy this short paragraph :D!

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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