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"Y/n, please tell me about this dream you've had." The doctor asked, fixing his glasses upon his nose. His clipboard in hand, and pen ready to write down any unusual behavior that occurs. No, Y/n wasn't mental, yet she felt like she was.

"Well it started off at my cousins dad's race track... we were watching a race and got bored. Because his dad was the owner of the place, he had a set of keys so that we could look at places regular watchers couldn't." The girl began to shake her leg, uncomfortable explaining the terrible nightmare. "We went into what we thought was just a storage room, but what it turned out to be was some sort of Abandoned car museum." The doctor nodded his head waiting for her to continue.

"The place was large, and it seemed as if it just kept expanding the further we went into it. Soon we were in a room that seemed to be an indoor carnival. There was a carousel that was covered in dust, a somewhat scrapped kiddie coaster and a lot of empty carnival booths." The doctor seemed intrigued by this mention yet stayed silent so he could hear the rest. "As we approached the carousel, we heard a loud popping noise, like a pistol being shot into the air. We both turned towards the noise and saw a man, in what looked to be his early twenties. He had the gun pointed towards my cousin and told him to leave or he would shoot him. My cousin fled but the scenery changed." Her hands were shaking as she was using multiple gestures.

"The man gave me a wicked smile before he took ahold of my arm and dragged me to a room. A bedroom. He locked me in there and left. I was frozen in my spot. I couldn't move or speak. The man came back to the room and threw a dress at me. It appeared to be that of a dolls I had when I was growing up. He had told me to have it in before he got back or there would be consequences." She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. "I put the dress on and ran over to the door to check if it were unlocked. Luckily for me it was. I ran out of the room and into another, which appeared to be a bathroom. I checked the sink's cabinet for anything I could use to my advantage, and i had found a gun with a single bullet in the chamber. I heard two voices yelling back and forth, and I ran to the noise. It was the man who had his gun aimed at my cousin. He told me to go back or he would kill my little cousin, and that's when I pulled out the gun and shot him in the chest." The doctor began to write some things down, worried only in the slightest that the girl was mad.

"I was baffled when the man wasn't dead, however he had his gun dropped and my cousin was able to grab it. I ran to my cousin and grabbed his arm, pulling him with me to find a way out of the place. The man wasn't close behind us so it gave the two of us time to search for a way out. We ended up coming across a familiar area in the museum, which led to us finding a way out. We locked the door, and hoped to never see the man again. And that's when I woke up.."

The doctor wrote down a few more things and looked up to the girl. "Do you remember what the man had looked like? Did he look familiar to you in the slightest?" Y/n shook her head at the second question and began to speak, "I don't remember meeting anyone who looked like him, but he had olive skin, dark curly brown hair, and these bright green eyes that popped out of his figure. He wore a black suit vest, and a grey shirt underneath with the sleeves rolled up a little past his elbows. A dark red tie set on his chest." The doctor nodded. "You may not remember meeting him, but your subconscious can't make up new faces. You must've seen him once for him to appear in your dream. Try to pay attention to your surroundings more, maybe you'll see him again." The girl nodded.

The doctor finished up their visit and handed her a small slip of paper, a prescription. "Take this time your pharmacy, they should have your medicine ready by the time you get there. I'll see you in a month Y/n, take care." And with that the doctor left, leaving Y/n to wait for her mother to return to the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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