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Welcome to New York. The bustling city of skyscrapers and dreams. Where there's always a light on. From a distance, that's what you can see. From the songs, from the movies, from the stories girls and boys are raised on outside of the city - they imagine that's where their dreams will come true. That's where they'll make a name for themselves.
Alexander Hamilton was no different. When his mother, Rachel told fictitious tales of her adventures in New York, he imagined one day he would move to New York once he had finished his education in St Croix and become one of the people who lead the United States into greatness. President or Secretary, he hadn't decided which but either one he was prepared. Though, his plans hit a bump when his mother passed away of stomach flu when he was twelve. Though he sought comfort in his cousin and brother, he soon realised that leaving was the best option. So he left when he was sixteen. During this time he met a boy his age (a/n. I know Hercules was older but I'm sticking with musical for the relations) who went by the name of Hercules Mulligan; who was enrolled in Kings High School. At first, Mulligan met up with Alexander at the park whilst he paid for a hotel for the boy to stay in and taught him everything he was learning at his school. Though, The Mulligans soon became fond of the frail redhead and after a few months, Alex was staying in a room the family had spare and not a week later, Alex was enrolled at school. Though it took a while with the immigrant system and getting a US citizenship but they had been working on that for a while.

And so we cut forward, to the first time Alexander laid eyes on John Laurens.

John Laurens didn't have a rough past per se... his dad didn't take it well when he came out as bisexual, however, they got over it. He and his brother James were close however, but the young James fell from a balcony when he was a mere ten. Though it took a massive toll on John, he wasn't one to show he was hurt- he was more engulfed in keeping his reputation alive and thriving.

On the day Alexander saw John, he was a mere few days in. Still adjusting to his new life with Hercules and school. He kept close to Mulligan and tried to not stand out from anyone. He wanted to make sure he was able to walk before climbing. It was the period of time between classes where John and Alex first met. And I could lie and say it was all happy rainbows and love in the air but, as I said, I'd be lying. They merely looked at each other and walked off. Perhaps John thought of Alexander more, as he had never seen him before and he was wondering if the new kid needed a friend. That was something John was especially good at. Of course he would always be good at other things, but being a kind boy was a speciality. He was a light in the dark, a helping hand to whomever needed him. Friend or foe if he found you in the bathroom crying, he would help you. Though he was yet to be used because of that; though that was to come.
Alex didn't think much of John, just a curly-haired boy with an abundance of freckles in a red letterman's jacket who glanced at him in the hallway. Though he did find it a coincidence when the same letterman's jacket boy walked into his small group of friends. As it happens, John was in fact partners with Mulligan in English, therefore Mulligan had to run off with Letterman's jacket boy for a while during lunch- leaving Alexander alone.
It was also at this time that Alex heard Johns voice for the first time and needless to say, he was surprised,
"Well, Redhead, you have two option, you come and help me and Mulligan with our work or you go find some other people to hang out with," though the statement sounded rude when written down or thought upon, John made it sound polite in a way, with a small hint of southern on his tongue, his voice was enchanting in a way. But Alexander knew better, with a defiant shake of his head, his red locks bouncing as his head went from left to right, he said,
"I'm alright thanks, I'll find someone else," he says. Then his eyes went wide. The way he said it made him sound pretentious and stuck-up 'some impression that'll leave' Alex thought to himself as he walked way, his eyes still wide as he comprehended the (quote on quote) "mistake" he had made.

"Sorry.. he's not usually like that," Hercules said, looking down and sighing whilst pinching the bridge of his nose,
"It's fine Mulligan.... I like that kid," John says, the corner of his lips tugged upwards into a smile.

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