help me out

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  • Dedicated to christina

"So are you in or are you out?" Cathrine asked with pleading eyes when we met at the usual spot in the park her palms in prayer position.

"Seriously Cathrine? We're doing this?" I asked in disbelief only to have her nod.

"OK, so let me get this straight. You want me to sneak out of the house in the middle of the night, meet you here and go to the club with you?" I said my eyes full of amazement and worry.

"Don't forget to call Leo and ask him to meet us there. That is the whole point. Come on! He is like your best friend and all. You can do this small favour for me and ask him to meet you there, won't you?"

"God, I'm too old for this Cathrine. You do understand that if I get caught, my parents will freak out."

There was no need for me to risk anything. Why sneak out when I could just go another day after the exams.

"No, no forget it. I can't," I said knowing that she wouldn't take no for an answer.

I knew that she would try and convince me to go in the end as she had discovered years ago that I really hated displeasing people. She had me all figured out.

She flipped her hair in the air, took a big breath, batted her eyelashes and she again held her hands together as If praying to my dear Lord only to plead in the sweetest voice possible looking me straight in the eyes with a puppy look and pouting.

"Pleeeeaasssee you are my only hope."

At that point, I was certain that I could not say no to her but I really wish that I had.

The state that I'm in. (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now