The phone call

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  • Dedicated to marina

Cathrine was glued on me trying not to miss a word from my talk with Leo. I called him as planned and waited patiently for him to answer with Cathrine by my side, swooning, eager to listen to Leo's "perfect" voice. Cathrine never wanted to change her name into Cathy or Cat or whatever other short there was. She liked the name as a whole. It made her feel like a royal, her words, not mine.

"Hey, Val!" Leo finally answered the phone and Cathrine almost passed out next to me.

"Hey Leo! What's up?"

"Not much. I'm here at the garage."

"At the garage, oooh how manly," Cathrine whispered.

"Shut up," I whispered back.

"What was that?" Leo asked surprised.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing," I said pushing Cathrine from my side.

" Sooo, I was wondering. Wanna go to Zoo tonight?" I asked knowing the answer already. Leo wasn't one to turn down fun and Zoo was the hottest club in town and we had full access to it as my cousin worked there as a bartender. Leo was always full of life living each day to the fullest. He had lost his mom when we were young and we grew up together. He was like a third brother to me as I already had two older brothers but being my age you could say we were closer. My mom was friends with his mom and when she passed away she kind of took care of Leo at least food wise and advice wise.

"You party animal !!!" he said ironically.

" Does your mom know you are going out during exams?"

"You wouldn't dare tell her. I know things about you," I laughed.

"OK. So you want to take some of the pressure off. I'm your guy!" I could visualise the smirk on his face.

«See you at 12, then?" I inquired certain of the answer.

"You bet ya!" He replied and hung up.

"Happy, now?" I turned to Cathrine who was now jumping up and down like a little three-year-old clapping her hands in excitement.


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