"Welcome to Highschool Webby!"

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"Really? I can go?" Webby asked excitedly. "You have been asking for way to long dear and I am fed up to this point. I know my grand daughter will be responsible and take care of herself so yes you can." Beakly said putting away dishes. Webby hugged her grandma and Beakly sighed and hugged her right back.

Webby burst open the backyard doors. Dewey was practicing shooting hoops, Huey was reading a book under a tree, and Louie was over in the sun trying to take a good selfie. Webby ran and intersected Dewey, "hey! You think you can beat me?" Dewey said getting the ball. Webby laughed, "no... what's that over there?" she said taking the ball. "huh?" Dewey looked over. Dewey turned back around and did a flip and landed a slam duck. "just needed to out smart you!" she said standing up then the basketball hitting her on the head a moment later. Dewey caught the ball then threw it to the side. "Ow.." She said while being helped up by Dewey. "Dewey what did you do?" Huey said gettin up and putting his book down. "Louie go get an ice pack" Huey said annoyed. Louie nodded and left. "I'm sorry, we were just playing!" Dewey said. "Don't apologize to me apologize to Webby." Huey said. "I'm sorry Webby, I didn't mean for you to get hurt." Dewey said rolling his eyes at Huey. "It's okay! It was my fault probably shouldn't have interrupted" she said. "Nah it was fun when you did" he said with a smile. Louie came back and handed the ice pack to Webby and Huey sat back down and Louie went back to selfie taking. Webby sat down on the side and watched dewey play. "anyway why did you come out here?" Dewey said. "Actually I have excited news! There gonna be a new student joining monday" She said. Huey dropped his book and Louie dropped his phone. Dewey turned to see why they did and then said "what? so what a new student" he said. Dewey, Webby has been dying to go to school with us" Huey said. "Yeah duh! I know that." Dewey said. "Well you know this new student!" She said. "who?" Dewey asked. Huey and Louie said in unison, "Webby!" "OH! oh! oh my god, right nailed it." He said. With a quick change of attitude Dewey threw the basketball to the side again ,which Louie then ran after, and then Dewey ran to Webby picked her up and spun her around, "You're really going to school with us?" he said. "Yeah!" she said after being put down. Dewey hugged her, "that's awesome!" he said. They hugged for a little too long for Huey and Louie to notice. "Sorry just excited" "No don't worry about it!" they said and ended with a nervous laugh. "Wanna help me get ready?" She said after the awkward moment. "Yeah totally! Louie put the basketball away for me will ya? Thanks!" Dewey said going inside with Webby. "You saw that right?" Huey said. "Yep totally saw it." Louie said. "The JWGB romance says the playing was technically their meet cute and that that was the cute little accident. We gotta tell Uncle" Huey said before he was interrupted by Louie saying, "Woah slow down yeah both those things happened but we gotta find out if they each like each other, Webby is a bad lair like you so that will be easy" "Hey!" "Dewey is our brother but harder to crack, well we will start monday, once she starts school." Louie said. "Good plan" Huey said.

-Hey gals! I'm going to start highschool on monday! Sleepover tonight to help celebrate and help me get ready?- webby sent the text. "Thanks for helping me pack Dewey but the girls are coming for a sleepover tonight so I'm sure I will be fine!" Webby said. "Oh yeah no problem!" -Brother meeting in my room asap- The text from Dewey's phone read. "I gotta see what my brothers up to see ya around!" Dewey said before leaving. BUZZ BUZZ. "yay! sleepover is on!" Webby said.

Dewey walked into Hueys room and Louie and Huey stared at him with a smirk. "what?" Dewey said. "We know dear douford" Louie said. "Know what? why are you guys acting so weird?" He said. "Dude you totally like her! Why don't you ask her out! Mom and Uncle Donald would be more than happy!" Huey said. "You don't know that! And what about Beakly! How did you bring up dating to scrooge?" Dewey asked. "I don't know it just happened with Violet it wasn't that hard!" Huey said. "Well hey prom is coming up! Ask her out then!" Louie said. "Hmmm that's not a bad idea, I'll have to get permission but it will be perfect just set the stage for the handsome amazing Dewey comes with flowers and sweets and then I romantically ask her! no no.." Dewey said. "Well he totally likes her. Good for blackmail." Louie said. "Huh? I need time to think I'll be in my room and uh, Lena and Violet are coming for another sleepover tonight." Dewey said walking out.

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