This is Harry.

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  • Dedicated to elena

So Leo was not alone. There was a guy I had not seen before with him. He was tall and fit wearing torn jeans and a plain white shirt. His eyes were jade green and a set of tattoos decorated his body. His shoulder length hair was unruly and he stood there silent unaffected by my stunned look. I pulled myself together as Leo pulled me into a warm hug.

"Hey you, I missed you," he said with a loving brotherly manner.

"With your university schedule and shit I don't get to see you much," he complained.

"Me too," I said awkwardly stealing a glimpse of his friend once more. I immediately remembered Cathrine who was impatiently waiting for an intro.

"There is someone I want you to meet," I said.

"This is Cathrine, Cathrine this is Leo," I said oddly pointing at him. My work there was definitely done. I delivered what I was supposed to do.

" Hey Cathy," Leo nodded scanning her. "What's up?"

"Hey," she said blushing a pinky rose colour covering her face. I was stunned that she hadn't corrected him. She must have liked him a great deal.

"She is Jimmy's sister," I added looking towards his friend's direction.

"No, kidding," he replied in astonishment.

"Your brother and I go way back. He still brings his bike over to the garage where I work. That's a piece of art that bike," he mumbled to himself rather than us making a mental picture of the motorcycle.

"Oh, where are my manners," he said in irony.

"Val this is Harry, we work together at the garage. He is the new guy and I kinda took him under my wing," he winked at me.

"Hey,"  he said almost in a whisper.

 I looked at him once more breathing in how handsome he was. I knew then that this guy was trouble and way out of my league.

"Hello, Harry!" I said boldly but I was far from bold. I just wanted to boost Cathrine's confidence and make her feel better about the state we were in.

"So, how do you know my brother again," she tried to ask through the loud music?
"Do tell me something embarrassing please," she smiled at him in the most adoring way.

She looked amazing under the lights and I knew that Leo had noticed as he too gave her a huge smile eyeing her from head to toe.

"Behave yourself. She is my friend,"  I whispered in his ear and I looked him straight in the eye meaning it.

" Always",  he replied in a mischievous manner.

I didn't believe him for a second.

Leo took Cathrine's arm and guided her to some stools at the bar where they started talking, trying to communicate through the loud dance music. He was flirting with her alright and she knew it. She was warned about him. It was a game. She knew the rules and she wanted to play.

I was left with Harry who seemed completely out of place now that Leo had abandoned him there with me.

"Would you like something to drink?" I asked him not knowing what else to do.

My cousin is the bartender over there. He gets me drinks for free. That is kind of a waste for me though as I rarely drink, I mumbled.

 "What is that in your hand then?" He asked pointing at the glass of vodka orange I was holding with half a smile again avoiding to look straight at me.

"This is a drink," I replied, "but I have just taken a sip and you will not see me get another drink all night. This is something to keep me occupied in cases like these."

"Like what?" He inquired almost curious for an answer.

 "When my friend ditches me to talk to a guy leaving me alone with someone  I don't know who won't even look at me when he talks to me," I said looking down not believing I had just said that.

"Oh," he said calmly not denying any of it.

My heart sank at the realisation. He was way out of my league. Too handsome, too distant, too of a bad boy and I wasn't interested in any of that. He wasn't either.

Giving it a second thought I was relieved in a way, too, since I didn't need to impress him. Things were simple. The night belonged to my friend and I was going to make her night unforgettable without any complications and drama.

And so it began.

The state that I'm in. (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now