The Orphanage

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Namaskar, Adab, Sat-Sri-Akal, andHello. I am a taxi driver from Mumbai. I will neither tell you myname nor anything else about my life. Because I want you to payattention to the stories of people, about whom I want to tell you. Mystories are about some of the passengers whom I have seen on theirdestination or some other people related to them. So let's start thisstory today. This story is about an Orphanage.

A few years ago, I was returning to my taxi stand after dropping. That was around nine o'clock in the morning. I spotted a young man standing on the side of the road and waving to stop my taxi. I stopped near him.

He bent down to look at me through the window, "Is it vacant?"

"Yes sir, It's all yours. Where do you want to go?"

He pulled out a small paper from his shirt pocket and read the address through his thick glasses. That was very close to my taxi stand. I immediately invited him to seat and we started the journey.


Oh, I forgot. I have to tell you onething about me. I am too talkative. Many times my passengers wereirritated with it. But on some lucky days, I get passengers like thisman. Who also allows me to talk.

"Sorry sahib ji, But can I ask youa question?" I have initiated it

"Yes, sure!" I got a positiveresponse

"You look quite young. Why do youwant to go to the orphanage? You want to donate something?"

"No no. I hardly earn to pay mybills," He was answering with a smile. I was able to feel thatin his voice, "My name is Ramakant Mishra. I write a column in anewspaper. It is about positive things happening around the city."

"That is great sahib ji. Intoday's time, we need it."

"Yes, I heard about this orphanagea few days back. One old uncle has been taking care of this orphanagefor the last many years. People say it's just because of him thisorphanage is getting enough donations."

"Then you must write about that.People need to know about that good-hearted man." I was happyand satisfied by hearing that people like that uncle exist today.Maybe they are the reason why this world still survived.

We reached the destination after twentyminutes. We talked about many other things. He was really a good guy.

"Excuse me," He turned backto the taxi after going out, "This is a very interior location.Also, it looks like there will be heavy rain in a few minutes. Canyou please come to pick me up?"

"How long will it take to completeyour work here?"

"Around one hour. Actually, I haveto reach the office as soon as possible."


"Sorry sahib ji, but I can notgive you a guarantee that I will come. But note my mobile number andcall me when you need a taxi. I will send someone from my circle. Ourtaxi stand is nearby so someone will be around."

"That will be great!" And hesaved my number.

"But sir, Maybe you have to pay alittle bit more as the taxi has to come without a passenger,"Don't judge me. I am not greedy. It's my charge for the service. Hedidn't judge me and accepted it with a smile.



I left for my taxi stand and started myroutine. He was correct. After a few minutes rain started. I was surethat he would call me. He will get nothing near that orphanage inthis rain. I was waiting for his call. But it's been two hours and hedidn't call me. I thought he might be lucky to get something nearbyto reach the office. After some time even I forgot about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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