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I was sitting in the cafeteria eating my lunch , and then Dylan came up to me and said."You look hot today Mar, Maybe you wanna go out after school, like a date""okay,why not?" And then he gave me a kiss on the cheeks."Maaaaaryyyyy wake up, you are late to school".aught, it was a dream again, why am I expecting it to be real , that's not gonna happen.My mom came and took my pillow."Go pack your sisters lunch"."okay, mom i'm up".I have two younger twins, and a big brother, he is in college."Emma where is your lunch bag ? And Avalyn change your clothes we are gonna be late" I said.

*door bell rings*.I open the door it's Sara, my best friend."Morning, get in".I closed the door and said."I had a dream about Dylan"."What like a ... Dream about you know"."No eww, well he called me hot and asked me out" I whispered."Its our first day of high school, lets stop thinking about boys and focus, considering, what you did in middle school" she said."Please don't bring that up".Well quick story time, first day of 6th grade, I asked Dylan out and I farted and he definitely heard it, it was very embarrassing but i'm pretty sure he forgot."lets just go we are getting late" Sara said."okay, do you think Liam would stop asking me out""I don't know, can we talk about the fact that I have a girlfriend and my parents don't know, they don't even know i'm bi" Sara's said.
Sara came out to me two years ago, but she hasn't told her parents yet, it's really hard to come out of the closet."I'm sorry Sara, okay, one day there will be the right time to tell them and im sure they will love you no matter what"The thing is I'm not sure, her parents are not exactly the nicest people, they are so religious, and I don't even know that they will accept the idea of gay people, I just said that so she doesn't stress.As we walked be the street next to where Liam lives, just guess what happens, he is screaming my name from behind, it was a scene."Sara, I know that I shouldn't be rude but he needs to learn something called personal space"."okay what are we gonna do"."run".We ran like thirty feet and we stopped, unfortunately he was fast."hey Liam, how was summer" I said in an awkward voice."I went to a basketball competition, it's a shame you weren't there, I just want to ask are you free this weekend, maybe you wanna go on a date"."Liam we talked about this from fourth grade, I don't like you".Well he is kind of hot, but not as Dylan, still he would be a great friend but he is just too flirty, with me, I don't know what he likes about me."I'm always available if you change your mind" he said while walked backwards."eww" Sara said."okay well who is she" I said."she is from Australia, she has beautiful green eyes and.."."not again, we can talk about that after school, by see ya"

"by" .

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