Cнα⅊тɛʀ 20 (edited)

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Nora's P.O.V

Room 126 was waiting for me as we ascended the elevator and crossed through the hallway to our rooms. The mangers had parted the moment we exited the lift before they wished us a good day of rest and headed back to reception. Walking ahead of me Elijah strutted right to room 125 and opened his door, not uttering a single sound. With that motion he stepped inside and slammed the door aggressively making me jump in fright. 'Okay Mr has-an-attitude, I know you've got some anger issues', I recollected whilst I opened my own door and stepped through.

The room was magnificent, opening up straight into the bedroom I could see the perfect view of the fountains of Bellagio. It was a newly remodelled bedroom with soft and reflective tones that reminded me of a beach house. The walls mostly sandy coloured held one which was featured with shades of blues and whites reminding me of the ocean whilst a large king-sized bed waited for me against that particular wall in white duvet and sheets alongside freshly fluffed pillows.

From the entrance, the room consisted of two nightstands, lamps, a blue sofa and coffee table alongside an armchair and desk with wardrobes, plasma TV's and a the most amazing bathroom ever. Outfitted in natural stones of granite, marble, and mother of pearl the shower and bath seemed like pure heaven whilst the sinks displayed lit mirrors above it with sets of complimentary items, I was definitely going to make use of.

As much as I wanted to explore the room my nightmare came back to haunt me, and I reflexively locked the front door in fear of an unwanted guest coming in. I decided that since Elijah and I probably weren't going to be heading out anytime soon, I could change into some comfortable clothing and get a few hours sleep. My entire body was aching and the day light pouring through the windows were hurting my eyes. It wasn't too bad if it wasn't for the fact that even the room held a large amount of artificial lighting.

Once I was changed, I sat down on my bed. The bed was feathery soft with a touch of expensive material woven in between the duvet and pillow. I sighed in relief, wanting nothing more than to slump onto my back and let my body drift off into a slumber but I needed to check if Elian had messaged me back since the day, I told him I couldn't meet him. Unfortunately, there were no notifications from Elian. It felt heart-breaking, especially when I felt closer to him than Elijah and I actually wanted to get some answers about Ben. 'He must be angry with me for rejecting his proposal and even after I messaged him several times apologising, he still hasn't responded.'

I didn't want to dwell too much on that though, so I propped my phone on the nightstand and turned off the lights in the room, the curtains automatically moving to hide the day light from outside. The room was so fancy that everything smelt of money, as ridiculous as it sounded, the hotel was more than dreams were worth. Lulled into the state of nearly being asleep I waited with open arms for my body to actually fall asleep when it was trashed from beneath me. Knocking from my door was a person who was risking their life since they were stealing from me my sleep.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now