Chapter 1: Welcome to Green Hills

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Blast's blue eyes flew open and she sat upright, slamming her head on the top of her cage. She rubbed it angrily. Still in the lab... Blast raised her right hand. It was stitched up, and a circle of steel in her palm was glowing faintly. She made a fist, and felt power surge through her veins. She scrunched up with her feet pressed against one side of her cage and her back against the other, and began to stretch.

One burger. One lousy McDonalds burger and a large milkshake. That was all Blast had managed to snatch from the fast food restaurant. It seemed to be the only thing good about Eggman having his lab in the city. Blast wolfed down the burger and slowly drank the vanilla milkshake, savoring it. When it was done, she threw it into the trash and began to pick up the strewn garbage, it was her nature, when a woman yelled at her and threw an empty soda can at her. Blast was tempted to throw it right back, but she glanced at the overhead sun and kept running. She needed to get to the forest before sundown: It was dangerous being on the streets at night.

Shadow glared at the blackboard in envy as Amy put one star in the intersection of Blaze's row and the Blind Man's Run column. There are four more events, Shadow reminded himself. Four more chances to win. Amy led the others to the next playing field: a large corn-maze for Ladder Luck, a maze where you walk under ladders and try not to set off the traps. The cleanest one out wins. Amy blew her whistle and the fun began.

The last contest was Black Cat Cry, sort of a scavenger hunt for the darkest jewels you could find. Blaze had lost Ladder Luck and Horseshoe Hide, which Shadow had won, and they were tied. He had found thirteen black rocks on the beach when he spotted the girl in the cave. It was about half-way up the cliff face and the girl had slipped into it without a problem. Deciding to check it out for rocks, he climbed the cliff trail to the cave. It was very dark in there, and Shadow saw only one thing, a very tired cat that looked very much like him, with blue instead of red in color, and very scared. She shrunk into a corner and, finding nowhere else to ;go, curled into crash position. Shadow approached her cautiously, she didn't seem dangerous, then heard the five minute warning bell. He scrambled back down.

A/N: This is Fanfiction. If I get something wrong, don't be afraid to let me know. Also, if you have some ideas for the cover, please LMK. I'm using what I have.

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