"Hey Wali!" Luigi called out from the other side of the pond. "Uh, hey" Waluigi waved but still, jealousy grew inside him. For to long has Luigi Beaten him in every game possible. "How are you doing?" Waluigi just looked down on the floor not saying anything. Luigi was kinda worried yet, felt something off about Waluigi. Luigi took a deep breath "Are you ok, it's alright if you don't want to talk, but if you do I'm here for you" Luigi started walking back when Waluigi grabbed his arm "I-" Waluigi was hesitating with his words but spoke "I- can't..take it anymore" Luigi looked puzzled "what's wrong?" Waluigi looked up at Luigi and a shock grew in Luigi's eyes. Waluigi's eyes where battered and bruised "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Luigi bent down and cupped Waluigi's face in his hands "Wario..." Waluigi was careful about his words. Luigi took a deep breath and took out some bandages he had in his pocket. Waluigi was confused "why are you helping me?" Luigi paused for a moment and explained "i-it's cuz, I- uh" Luigi gulped "I...Like...you..." There was a moment of silence for a while and the two Italians where just staring into each others eyes blushing. Waluigi spoke "u-um...I...didn't know you felt that way, especially for someone like me..." Luigi looked into Waluigi's eyes, Waluigi stared back then Luigi leaned forward and kissed Waluigi on the lips.